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Get Tickets Now: Spring Wine Tasting April 5: 90+ Pt Seghesio/Chamisal/Pine Ridge with Aaron Crespin at Ruth's Chris April[masked]

From: Stacey
Sent on: Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 12:52 PM
3/22/16 Our event is in two weeks and 60% of tickets have been sold.  Wine list and pairing posted! Spring Wine Tasting Event: 90+ Pt Seghesio/Chamisal/Pine Ridge Portfolio Event with Crimson Wine Group's Aaron Crespin at Ruth's Chris April[masked]

All 90pts+ Wines and food pairings posted at

Get Tickets Now: Eventbrite - 90+ Pt Seghesio/Chamisal/Pine Ridge Pacific Portfolio with Aaron Crespin at Ruth's Chris

  • Seghesio Highly Rated Wines paired with Appetizers from Ruth's Chris Chef
  • Meet Aaron Crespin Regional Manager Crimson Wine Group flying in to Denver for this event!
  • Hang out with Denver's coolest crowd
  • Light Rail and one block to the venue...avoid rush hour traffic!
  • Our events support Sense of Security which helps ladies and gentlemen going through breast cancer treatment

All Tickets are advance purchase: $29.99 Ticket Link:

We have more ladies than men signed up.  Please invite your male friends so we have some "balance" in the party room!   Ladies will be put on a wait list shortly.

The Crimson Wine Group owns and operates boutique, estate-based wineries that produce world class wines in the finest wine growing regions of California, Oregon and Washington.  Several wines are rated over 90+

What: A fabulous wine tasting with Aaron Crespin, Regional Manager for Crimson Wine Group presenting wines from their portofolio including the following vineyards

Where: Ruth's Chris Steakhouse  [masked]th St, Denver, CO 80202  Between California St and Stout St   Light Rail to 16th St Mall walk one block!

Crowd: Young/Mid Professionals  (Most of our crowd is 30's to 50's but everyone is welcome to our winemaker events.

When: Tuesday April 5,[masked]:00pm  Please be prompt as we will be serving each wine and appetizer paired

Dress:  Dressy Casual/Dress to Impress

Cost: $ 29.99 includes tax and tip (Wine Party Only)  Ticket Link: Eventbrite - 90+ Pt Seghesio/Chamisal/Pine Ridge Pacific Portfolio with Aaron Crespin at Ruth's Chris

Pine Ridge Produces classically styled, meticulously crafted wines from 225 acres of estate vineyards across five appellations in the Napa Valley.

Seghesio With 300 acres in preeminent Zinfandel growing regions, Seghesio Family Vineyards produces award-winning wines that honor the history of Sonoma and the Seghesio family.

Chamisal Expertly crafts wines that reflect the diverse clonal selection and unique location of this historic, 80-acre vineyard, the first planted in California's Edna Valley.

Archer Summit Renowned as the premier winery for Oregon Pinot Noir, specializes in estate grown, expressive single vineyard wines from over 100 acres of tightly-spaced vines




Upcoming Festivals:

16th ANNUAL DAM UNCORKED APRIL 8th 2016 Don't miss Denver's premier events for wine lovers—the 15th annual Uncorked Wine Tasting on April 10. The Uncorked Wine Tasting is a unique opportunity for you to taste wines from all over the world while supporting the Denver Art Museum. The Wine Tasting will feature more than 300 wines that will be accompanied by delicious fare from Kevin Taylor Catering, and there will also be fantastic items included in this year’s silent auction. Uncorked Wine Tasting tickets are $100 for museum members and $135 for nonmembers. First Taste tickets at 5:00pm provide early access to all the wines and are available for an additional $45 per person.

DU Vin Festival is on Saturday May 14 1:00-4:00pm Join the Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality Management at the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business for two days of wine, food, music and art.   DU Vin Festival features something for everyone including a Wine Pairing Dinner with Chef Frank Bonanno, seminars on wine and food topics, a chef/student pairing challenge with top chefs from around the metro area, a Grand Tasting with over 100 wines to sample, live music, art and more! With so much to offer, the DU Vin Festival manages to preserve an intimate, boutique experience for our guests. As an added bonus, the Festival is entirely planned by students with proceeds going toward student scholarships for the Hospitality Management program." Tickets are $52.80 per person

(Note we do not post private wine tastings or charity fundraisers for your group/charity (please do not send these to me.....we post a handful of big wine festivals that have winemakers in town for the event as a courteously to the wine aficionado's in the group.)

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