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Any Suggestions for Speakers

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Sunday, August 5, 2012, 7:05 PM

Hi Everyone

The 'Intro to Metaphysics' meetup now has 772 members! I have been blessed with some incredible people who are willing to share their knowledge and skills with some incredible members (like you)!

Anyway, although I have a great line of of speakers scheduled for much of the year, I am always looking for ideas. Do any of you know people who you might like to have me invite to speak?

The main thing is that the subject is interesting, easy to follow, fun, and not used merely for self promotion.

In the past, we've had Shamans, animal communicators, numerologists, house clearers, crystal experts, palm readers, past life regressionists, astrologers  and so much more.

I would love to present an iridologist. Any other ideas, contacts?

This is your group. Your input is appreciated.


By the way, if you aren't doing anything next weekend, i will be reading at the Denver County Fair on Sunday, August 12th from 10-6 at the Holistic Pavillon. Please come by if you are in the neighborhood.




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