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Meet and Connect With Your Inner Healer. Healing Class Offered.

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Sunday, July 29, 2012, 12:29 AM





Where: The Metaphysical Research Society. 1001 E 7th Ave, Denver 80203

When: Saturday, September 22nd, from 1-3

Cost: $45

What: This fun, hands on class will give you the opportunity to learn about and practice different healing modalities. Areas covered include:Chakras and Auras, Energy Clearing, Reiki. So Much More. there is room for 11 people. Please let me know if you are interested, and I will sign you up.. I would love to have you attend. 

Why: Because everyone is a healer, and when you are able to tap into this energy (we all have it), you not only heal yourselves, but you help heal others, and all areas of your life.

About Me: I am a Reiki Master Teacher. I also work as a healer  t at the First Spiritual Science Church about once a month. I  have been a psychic counselor, teacher and healer for much of the 30+ years I have been involved in Metaphysics.

To Register, Please contact me here. or at [address removed]