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What we’re about

The world is rapidly changing, and the pace of innovation and digital disruption is accelerating. Despite this, many of the social, cultural, political and professional structures that support our communities have remained static and unchallenged for generations. Our education, healthcare and primary production systems, our workplaces and our products need to keep up. 
We need design leaders, design strategists and design thinkers too dismantle these structures, and to dissect and solve some of our most complex problems. Whether it’s rethinking the way remote communities access healthcare, creating a less risk-averse corporate culture, or developing a more individualised education system, our world needs more innovative thinkers and communicators; people with the knowledge and skills to design our future.
Design futures is a community of 4000+ Melbourne-based Human Centred Design professionals. We are about connecting design thinkers and doers, exploring new technologies and sharing knowledge and best practices through engaging events.

Looking forward to seeing you at the next event!