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What we’re about

Design Thinking Coaches Berlin is a non-profit community for Design Thinking professionals to share ways how to implement Design Thinking into organizations, to establish a way of working enforcing customer-centric innovation of products and services. 

We will listen to real case stories from experts we invite for a talk, test out new tools as well as co-design solutions to the challenges you cope with in your job as a Design Thinking professional. 

If you want to: 

• learn from and share real case stories from Design Thinking professionals,

• test out new tools for workshops and coaching

• co-design solutions you cope with in your job as a Design Thinking professional,

• broaden your professional network,

• sharpen your profile as a Design Thinking professional,

you should become part of this community! 

Let’s meet up to share our experiences, mingle and learn from each other! 
We are looking forward to meeting you

Pauline and Jens