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Tarot & Tea with V.


Please note: Registration for this event must be made by calling 248-548-1415 or clicking HERE.


Informal. Informative. Play with a purpose.

Join V. for a whimsical afternoon tea flight during which we'll consult, communicate, and celebrate our Higher Selves!
We will open with a theme, create a lively discussion (using tarot and our intuition) to observe how the theme moves throughout our lives, and share insights, laughs, and the spirit of connection through partner readings.
A flight of three different gourmet teas will be served, so bring your favorite tea cup and wear your best tea hat, headband, fascinator, or crown! Intuition is best activated through play, so let’s have some fun!
Materials needed:

-Tarot deck
-Your favorite tea cup/mug
-Fancy headwear optional!
All levels of Tarot skills welcome!

This class is $30 per person, preregistration required. If you prefer to register over the phone, please call (248)548-1415. If registering online for MULTIPLE PEOPLE, please call us to let us know the names of the additional people, so we can be sure to save them a seat.
Please note: This class will be hosted in-person at the Boston Tea Room located at 1220 Woodward Heights in Ferndale, 48220. Free parking lot and entrance located around the back of the building.

Need to Cancel? Notify us prior to the class start time by phone (248)548-1415, to be eligible for a refund.

V is a 4th generation intuitive reader and empath with a very down-to-earth and practical reading style that is infused with love, light, and humor. What started off as innocent, yet prophetic dreaming and an interest in all things metaphysical, evolved into a complete whirlwind of spiritual transformation. Picking up her first tarot deck at the age of 19, while attending college in New Orleans, set the stage for a life-long fascination with learning and counseling through the art of card reading.

V is an internationally recognized expert in the fortune telling field and has been a featured presenter at Tarotpalooza by Prism Haus, the World Divination Association Tarot Conference, and the World Divination Association Lenormand Summit, among others.

Photo of Detroit Area Tarot & Astrology Guild group
Detroit Area Tarot & Astrology Guild
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Boston Tea Room
1220 Woodward Heights · Ferndale, MI
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