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What we’re about

This group is partly about connecting screenwriters in Devon and Cornwall, but is also for anyone interested in writing screenplays, and especially in receiving and providing feedback on a completed TV or feature script. So there is no requirement to be in Cornwall or Devon (or even the UK!) to attend our virtual meetings, but note that any in-person activities will likely be based in Devon or Cornwall.
We currently have two main activities:
One is a monthly meeting (held via zoom) at which we provide feedback on one feature or two TV scripts. The idea is simple: the scripts are posted one week before the meeting for group members to read in advance, then at the meeting everyone provides constructive feedback to the author(s).
We also organize real world meetings, which at present are simply mixers (and typically occur in Plymouth on a roughly monthly basis), but in future these might involve group members meeting up during a writing festival. We may also meet in Exeter in the near future.
If any group member would like to host an in-person meeting, perhaps closer to their own area or in association with a particular event, I'd be very happy to chat about this! You can contact me at planetwriter at gmail dot com :-)

Upcoming events (4+)

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