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Optimizing Software Delivery with DORA Metrics and EBM

Photo of Ed LeGault
Hosted By
Ed L.


In today's competitive environment, excellence in software development practices is fundamental for delivering value and achieving business success. This talk showcases how organizations can significantly enhance their software delivery processes and value creation by integrating insights from DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics with Evidence-Based Management (EBM).

DORA metrics—Deployment Frequency, Lead Time for Changes, Time to Restore Service, and Change Failure Rate—provide a granular look at a team's delivery capabilities, emphasizing deployment cadence and stability. Contrastingly, EBM, with its focus on Current Value, Ability to Innovate, Time to Market, and Unrealized Value, gives us a strategic perspective on value delivery.

By unpacking the complimentary nature of these two frameworks, the talk highlights how organizations can not only expedite the delivery of new features and quickly recover from disruptions but also ensure that such improvements bolster their strategic-value objectives. Attendees will discover actionable strategies to align technical capabilities with business outcomes, transforming operational metrics into powerful business insights for continuous improvement and competitive advantage. Join us to explore the integrated approach that paves the way for optimized value delivery in the world of software development.

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