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What we’re about

DevOps includes the broadest range of applied IT topics. Everyone's experience matters, from a startup, to a struggling IT department, to the likes of Google and Netflix. We share experiences from beginners and masters alike. Presentations can be aspirational, a post-mortem, and everything in between.


Being a 'No show' or holding spots until the last minute then not attending is not only rude, but impacts the ability for other members (that can commit to attending) from coming if there is a limit. If this happens repeatedly it could lead to removal from the group.

Good RSVP/attendance etiquette
· It is courteous to accept or decline an invitation within a few days of receiving it. This helps with event planning and provides valuable feedback to the organizers.
· You should update your RSVP as soon as your plans change. If that's within 24 hours of the event, you should also contact the organizer personally via email (contact link under organizers photo) or phone.
· If you RSVPed 'Yes', you show up to the event. If you can't show up, change your RSVP accordingly and explain to the Organizer why you couldn't attend.
· If you RSVPed 'No', you should not attend the event, unless you change your RSVP to 'Yes' if space allows.
· If you RSVPed 'Maybe', you are required to change your RSVP to 'Yes' or 'No' at least 4 days before the event. You should change your 'Maybe' to a 'No' as soon as possible in the event you are not able to attend so that others may plan to go.

Note: Maybe's may be changed by the organizer to a 'No' to make room for others to attend.