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Carol Changus added a post

From: Carol C.
Sent on: Friday, November 19, 2010, 5:35 PM
Why be a Delegate? See below Dates & Info



Key Dates / Deadlines:

*NOVEMBER 9: Applications for ADD -AVAILABLE - online NOW

*NOVEMBER 22 Weekly online posting of candidates begins

*DECEMBER 3: Notification of ADEM meeting on website

*DECEMBER 9 Deadline for ADD application

*DECEMBER 10: "ADEM Locations posted on website
*** JANUARY 8 and 9, 201: delegate election meeting

FOR MORE INFO ~on what being a delegate entails, please review the following link on the California Democratic Party web site:

***IMPORTANT*** PLEASE NOTE: If you do want to run to be a delegate you MUST complete and file your delegate application with the California Democratic Party no later than NOON on Wednesday, December 9, 2010. You may file your application online by going to the following link:

*** To confirm ~ in which AD you reside: As a voter in the election, you will need to sign in and pay a $5.00 registration fee which goes to defray the cost of the room and supplies and materials for the election.

Why be a Delegate?
Attend annual convention
Network with other Democrats
Represent your constituency
Elect Party officers
Promote the California Democratic Party agenda
Endorse candidates for statewide, legislative and congressional office
Vote to endorse resolutions and ballot measures
Reorganization of the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) begins at the end of 2010 and goes through February 7, 2011. Members of the DSCC (also known as "Delegates") come from the following sources:

Elected through County Committees
Appointed by Democratic Elected Officials / Nominees
Elected through Assembly District
The Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) and Assembly District Executive Board representatives ("EBd Reps") are elected at Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMs) held in each of the 80 Assembly Districts. The California Democratic Party is convening ADEMs on January 8 and 9, 2011, where 12 people (6 men / 6 women) from each Assembly District will be elected to represent their district for both the 2011 and 2012 State Conventions.

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