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From: Kathleen C.
Sent on: Friday, February 8, 2013, 9:01 AM
Thanks for The Patton Boggs story. I share this content on FB to help with counter spin and support the Mayor. Kathleen

Prof. Kathleen Connell, M.A.
Connell Whittaker Group LLC
Email: [address removed]

Adjunct Faculty
National University
School of Engineering, Technology and Media
Master of Science in Sustainability Management

Green Experts Academy
Recent forum:
San Diego Candidates 
Green Policy Forum 2012
Oct. 4, 2012
Typed on an iPhone 

On Feb 8, 2013, at 7:15 AM, Carol Changus <[address removed]> wrote:

**************** ANNOUNCEMENTS ******************

CONGRATULATIONS MAYOR BOB FILNER! OFFICE: City Administration Building 202 C St., 11th Floor San Diego, CA 92101 PHONE: (619)[masked] Fax: (619)[masked] Email the Office of the Mayor: [address removed]
CONGRATULATIONS DONNA FYRE! ~ FRYE'S TITLE: DIRECTOR of Open Government and Community Engagement. Contact: DONNA FRYE at Phone:(619)[masked] Address: 202 'C' Street, 11th Floor, MS 11A, San Diego, CA 92101
★ STAFF: CONGRATULATIONS STEVEN HADLEY! DEPUTY DIRECTOR of Open Government and Community Engagement. PHONE:[masked] EMAIL: [address removed]

SUPPORT MAYOR FILNER ISSUE : INFO: Mike Thaller sent this email: Interesting…NBC Channel 7 just repeated the story right out of the U-T. The evil mayor fired lobbyists leaving San Diego with no representation in Washington. No mention of the fact that the Lobbyists were working in Doug Manchester's interests. John Mattes replied: This is a clear example of how PDA/DFA can play a important role supporting our mayor. We need to provide the push back against the right and the council so that the narrative is not that of a mayor out of control but of a mayor taking on the special interests.This is our time.

*********** NOTED EVENTS **********

★ # 1. ★★★ SUN FEB 10 at 7:30PM ★ ★ ★ "FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE ★ ★ ★ WILL SPEAK AT UCSD MANDEVILLE AUDITORIUM " ★ ★ ★ Books and tickets maybe reserved by calling (858)[masked]

★ # 2. MON FEB 11 San Diego STATE SENATE DISTRICT #40 SPECIAL ELECTION BALLOTS MAILED. Registrar of Voters: (858)[masked] This is the first day mail ballots will be available for the Senate District 40 Special Election. ROV is open for voting 8 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday

★ # 3 . ★★★ TUES FEB 12 at 4:00PM Decommission meeting • Video Stream will begin about 5 p.m. • 6:00PM RALLY " NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION MEETING on DEFECTIVE SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR REACTOR " ★★★ will be held at Capo Beach Church, 25975 Domingo Ave., Capistrano Beach, California 92624 From Martha Sullivan and Carol Jankow: "Our Coalition to Decommission San Onofre will hold a Press Conference at 4pm at the meeting site, please attend if you can. We will then rally outside until we can go inside to claim seats for what is sure to be a packed meeting starting at 6pm." The NRC notice says the meeting will be webcast live at: . The video stream will begin about 5 p.m. PDT, but the audio stream will not start until the meeting begins. A phone bridge is also available by calling:[masked] and entering passcode 47018. The webcast and phone bridge will be one-way only. Questions or comments can be submitted to the NRC staff after the meeting at: [address removed] . *Where: Capo Beach Church, 25975 Domingo Ave., Capistrano Beach, California 92624

★ # 4 . FEBRUARY 12, 2013 at 6:00PM 'Presidential State of the Union Address'. Look out for State of the Union Parties

★ # 5. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14 Susan Rowe: [address removed] [CaliforniaDFA] ★ ★ ★ Join a 1 Billion Rising V-Day Event on 2/14 "DANCE, RISE UP & DEMAND!" V-Day World Wide Event - 1 Billion Rising a global movement to stop violence against women and girls in their community and abroad! Today, on the planet, a billion women – one of every three women on the planet – will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. That’s ONE BILLION mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, and friends violated. V-Day REFUSES to stand by as more than a billion women experience violence. On February 14th, 2013, V-Day's 15th Anniversary, we are inviting one billion women and those who love them to walk out, DANCE, RISE UP, AND DEMAND an end to this violence. One Billion Rising is a promise that we will rise up with women and men worldwide to say, "Enough! The violence ends now." To read more, create or join an existing a V-Day event near you click this link!

★ # 6. In San Diego. WEEKEND OF FEB 17 - In San Diego ***SUN FEB 17 at 1-3PM "Keystone Pipeline Protest ~ San Diego Green Party Event *Where: Mission Bay Park Visitors Center Join us to protest the Keystone XL Pipeline and call for action on climate change here in San Diego – in support of the massive rally in Washington DC that , the Sierra Club, and other groups are organizing. We’ll call on President Obama to firmly and permanently deny a permit for the proposed Keystone Pipeline, which would carry Canadian tar sands across the US for refining. Our mailing address is: Green Party of San Diego County The County of San Diego San Diego, CA 92101 Reply-To: [address removed] Website: *Where: Mission Bay Park Visitors Center


★ # 7. WED MARCH 6 at 7-9pm " San Diego DFA & SD PDA Metro Meetup " Our speaker is FRANCINE BUSBY, our newly elected SDCDP Chair! Francine will be discussing the importance of supporting Mayor Filner. Francine wrote that " There is already organized opposition to Bob Filner, We have to do all we can to support him. The Party has several strategies that I can share." So, I think will we have a very productive and fun meetup. Carol's   Email: [address removed] *Where: Giovanni's restaurant's meeting room, 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92123. (Corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. & Ruffin Rd. across from the Voters Registrar's Office). Website: All are invited.

******************** *** EVENT LISTINGS *** **********************

************ FEBRUARY 2013 ***************

***SAT FEB 9 at 12pm – 2pm " MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DEMOCRATIC CLUB MONTHLY MEETING " Our SD DFA Member Wayne Reed is the Vice-President of this club that sends out a newsletter with the great feature of jobs available listings. The Martin Luther King Jr. Democratic Club was created to help protect and advance the vision of its namesake, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. The members of Martin Luther King Jr. Democratic Club welcome individuals, and other groups to join us as we work towards the political empowerment and unity of San Diego's underserved communities. *Where Malcolm X Library, 5148 Market St, San Diego, 92114 Contact: [address removed] Website:


***SAT FEB 9 at 6:00 pm, " RED HOT LADIES NIGHT ~ LOVE BITES Introducing DJ ROCKY " Introducing DJ Rocky spinning Top 40, clubhouse, dance music and a little spice for all the lovers. Enjoy dancing, mingling, snacks, and a no-host bar for only $5 per person. Tickets are available at the door. A no-host bar will be available. Women 21 and up are welcome. For more information, contact Sophia Arredondo at[masked] x212, or [address removed].


★★★ SUN FEB 10 at 7:30PM ★★★ " FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE WILL SPEAK AT UCSD MANDEVILLE AUDITORIUM " ★★★ After discussing his new book "THE FUTURE: SIX DRIVERS TO GLOBAL CHANGE " AL GORE will take questions from the audience and will sign books. " Both sobering and hopeful, the six points addressed include economic globalization, the creation of the "global mind" through digital communications; the shift in global political, economic and military power; our current economic direction; changing life sciences; and the relationship between human's and Earth's ecosystem." ____Ashley Mackin, La Jolla Light. The books and the tickets for the event, presented by Warwick's bookstore & the San Diego Law Library, will be available for sale on JAN 26, 2013 to FEB 8, 2013 at Warwick's, 7812 Girard Avenue, La Jolla CA 92037. Books and tickets maybe reserved by calling (858)[masked]. Copies may be picked up at the event starting at 6:00PM THOUGH a paper ticket is required to receive the book. Admission is $35.00 for one ticket and one book. $50 for two tickets and a book. For more information visit


***FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY *** FEB 8 to Feb 10, 2013 " 2013 NATIONAL PREACH-IN on GLOBAL WARMING " On the weekend before Valentine’s Day, thousands of clergy will join in our annual event to express love for Creation and address climate change as a serious moral issue. Our focus for 2013 will be on vulnerable communities working on the front lines of climate change, both in North America and around the globe. On February 8-10*, please join us in sharing messages about the need for people of faith to mobilize in a religious response to global warming. Whether you are clergy, a lay leader, or a caring individual, sign up your congregation now, and in the coming months we’ll send you reminders as well as links to free resources to help you prepare sermons, reflections, devotionals, Bible studies, children’s activities, and more. In addition, Interfaith Power & Light will offer low-cost resources to help you reach decision makers and mobilize your community. Watch future emails for details. We look forward to your involvement in the 2013 National Preach-In on Global Warming! With love and faith, The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham Interfaith Power & Light SIGN UP at CONTACT US: INTERFAITH POWER & LIGHT, 369 Pine St., Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94104 Phone: (415)[masked] INFO: Phone: [masked]

***MON FEB 11 San Diego STATE SENATE DISTRICT #40 SPECIAL ELECTION BALLOTS MAILED. Registrar of Voters: (858)[masked] This is the first day mail ballots will be available for the Senate District 40 Special Election. ROV is open for voting 8 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday.


*** TUES FEB 12 at 4:00PM Decommission meeting • video stream will begin about 5 p.m. • 6:00PM RALLY " NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION MEETING on DEFECTIVE SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR REACTOR " will be held at Capo Beach Church, 25975 Domingo Ave., Capistrano Beach, California 92624 • From Martha Sullivan and Carol Jankow: "Our Coalition to Decommission San Onofre will hold a Press Conference at 4pm at the meeting site, please attend if you can. We will then rally outside until we can go inside to claim seats for what is sure to be a packed meeting starting at 6pm." The NRC notice says the meeting will be webcast live at: . The video stream will begin about 5 p.m. PDT, but the audio stream will not start until the meeting begins. A phone bridge is also available by calling:[masked] and entering passcode 47018. The webcast and phone bridge will be one-way only. Questions or comments can be submitted to the NRC staff after the meeting at: [address removed] *Where: Capo Beach Church, 25975 Domingo Ave., Capistrano Beach, California 92624 Contact: Martha at [address removed] ( Check it out > Peace Resource Center of San Diego Website: Phone:[masked] E-mail: [address removed] ) Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility website:

***THURDAY FEBRUARY 14   Susan Rowe at [address removed] [CaliforniaDFA] ★ ★ ★ Join a 1 Billion Rising V-Day Event on 2/14 "DANCE, RISE UP & DEMAND!" ★ ★ ★ V-Day World Wide Event - 1 Billion Rising a global movement to stop violence against women and girls in their community and abroad! Today, on the planet, a billion women – one of every three women on the planet – will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. That’s ONE BILLION mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, and friends violated. V-Day REFUSES to stand by as more than a billion women experience violence. On February 14th, 2013, V-Day's 15th Anniversary, we are inviting one billion women and those who love them to walk out, DANCE, RISE UP, AND DEMAND an end to this violence. One Billion Rising is a promise that we will rise up with women and men worldwide to say, "Enough! The violence ends now." To read more, create or join an existing a V-Day event near you click this link!


*** THUR FEB 14 at 7:30 Continental Breakfast 8:00 Program " NARAL Pro Choice America ~ National Policy Director DONNA CRANE " will share her analysis of how the election impacted the issue of women's reproductive choice in Congress. She will also discuss NARAL's multi-million, multi-year campaign, Choice out Loud, which is designed to reach the next generation of pro choice advocates. Don't miss this opportunity to meet a national leader who is on the front lines in Washington D.C. *Where: Columbia Center, 3rd Floor Conference Room 401 West A Street , San Diego 92101 Run Women Run Members: $15 Non-Members: $25 Event is closest to the entrance near Columbia & B Streets. Metered street parking is and pay parking lots are nearby. RSVP is requested To RSVP by mail for any event, please make your check payable to Run Women Run and mail it to 1531 Grand Ave. Ste. D, San Marcos, CA 92078 For more information contact: [address removed] or call [masked]


***FRI FEB 15 at 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m " A Better San Diego BREAKFAST DISCUSSION ~ THE FUTURE OF TRANSPORTATION & DEVELOPMENT IN SAN DIEGO " Speakers include transit advocate THERESA QUIROZ, DR. MURTAZA BAXAMUSA, of the San Diego Building and Construction Trades Council, and JACK SHU, President of the Cleveland National Forest Foundation, who will explore the role of transportation alternatives in our communities and how the transportation choices we make shape our neighborhoods. *Where: UFCW Local 135, 2001 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108  Reply to: Liz Baxter email: [address removed]


***SAT FEB 16 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM SDCDP Council of Clubs Monthly Meeting February meeting of the Council of Clubs; a gathering of Chartered Club Presidents or their designees. Where: SDCDP Headquarters, 8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite 105, San Diego, 92111 Contact: (858)[masked] Email: [address removed]


*** SAT FEB 16 at 9:00AM -4:00PM*( (Light breakfast at 9:00am. Lunch will also be served.) " California Clean Money Campaign/CMC GRASSROOT LEADER SUMMIT in Palo Alto " Join the California Clean Money Campaign for a Grassroots Leader Retreat and help wage the campaign for SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act. WHEN February 16th,[masked]:00 AM through 4:00 PM Join the campaign to pass SB 52, the California DISCLOSE ACT *Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections The morning is a detailed training on SB 52, and the afternoon session is about how to implement the campaign plan. Tell California voters who is really paying for political campaign ads – on the ads themselves! SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act, would replace current deceptive "Paid for by" disclosures with real disclosure for both ads for and against ballot measures and independent expenditures (like Super PACs) for and against candidates. SB 52 will be in the state Senate in March and April, and we'll need to show a huge amount of grassroots support to get it through, so now's the time to plan for our major push to get it through the Senate. This is a full-day summit, however, you can come for the entire day or just the morning or afternoon sessions. The morning is a detailed training on SB 52, and the afternoon is about how to implement the campaign plan. Please Register & go to: Questions about carpools and accommodations for those who are traveling can be sent to Nancy Neff at [address removed]. See for more information on the California Disclose Act. California Clean Money Campaign GRASSROOTS LEADERS SUMMIT Saturday, February 16 We NEED YOU! The unlimited anonymous corporate and other special interest contributions unleashed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision are distorting our democracy. The California Clean Money Campaign has re-introduced a bill that will change the game: SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act - to force political advertisers to disclose who really pays for political ads - on the ads themselves! Thanks to volunteers like you and our coalition partners, over 84,000 people signed the petition for the California DISCLOSE Act, helping the last version get through the Assembly before it ran out of time to pass the Senate. SB 52 is the next step. But corporations and millionaires who use anonymous contributions to hide who is paying for their deceptive ads will do everything they can to kill it. That's why we need you. The California Clean Money Campaign's grassroots leaders throughout the state will be coming to our semi-annual full-day summit on Saturday, February 16th to learn how to talk about the new California DISCLOSE Act and to plan the full-scale grassroots legislative campaign that is on the way to getting it passed! WHAT: California Clean Money Campaign Grassroots Leader Summit WHEN: Saturday, February 16th from 9:00am-4:00pm *WHERE: 505 E. Charleston Rd, Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto Room 4-5, Palo Alto, CA 94306 ( a handicapped-accessible building) Carpools will be coming from many parts of the state, so contact us if you need a ride or can offer one! This is a full-day summit, however, you can come for the entire day or just the morning or afternoon sessions. .

***SUN FEB 17 at 1-3PM "Keystone Pipeline Protest ~ San Diego Green Party Event "*Where: Mission Bay Park Visitors Center Join us to protest the Keystone XL Pipeline and call for action on climate change here in San Diego – in support of the massive rally in Washington DC that , the Sierra Club, and other groups are organizing. We’ll call on President Obama to firmly and permanently deny a permit for the proposed Keystone Pipeline, which would carry Canadian tar sands across the US for refining. Our mailing address is: Green Party of San Diego County The County of San Diego San Diego, CA 92101 Reply-To: [address removed] Website: Where: Mission Bay Park Visitors Center


*** WEEKEND OF FEB 17 - PRESIDENTS DAY WEEKEND ~ CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIVISTS RALLY ~ AT THE WHITE HOUSE ~ TO SHUT DOWN THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE ONCE & FOR ALL! It’s never been clearer that we need bold and immediate climate leadership - that’s why this Presidents Day weekend thousands of activists will head to the White House and tell President Obama to shut down the climate-killing Keystone XL pipeline once and for all. Something this big has to start early, and it has to start with the people who care the most. Commit to join us in Washington D.C. in February and make Presidents Day the biggest climate demonstration yet: The last time we stood up against Keystone XL, thousands of us surrounded the White House – and it worked. Right when every political and energy “expert” said the tar sands pipeline was a done deal, we beat the odds and convinced President Obama to take a year to study it. Now that year is over, and Mother Nature has filed her public comments: the hottest year in American history, a horrible ongoing drought, and superstorm Sandy. And still Big Oil is pushing as hard as ever for their pet project, looking for even more private profit at public expense. There is also good news: Together, we’ve proven time and time again that grassroots voices can speak louder than Big Oil’s dollars. So this Presidents Day, the Sierra Club,, and other environmental groups are working with our partners across the progressive community to organize the biggest climate demonstration yet. Our goal for Presidents Day is to form a massive human pipeline through Washington, and then transform it into a giant symbol of the renewable energy future we need - and are ready to build, starting right away. You can make this a Presidents Day that the president can’t ignore and won’t forget – sign up to join the rally, bring your friends, and stop the climate-killing Keystone XL pipeline: Well have more details soon about the rally and how you can make your voice heard, but for now, start making travel plans and circle Presidents Day weekend on your calendar. Together, we can show the president that the year’s delay didn’t lull us to sleep. Instead, we’re more fired up than ever, and determined to help him do the right. thing. Where: In Washington, D.C.

***WEEKEND OF FEBRUARY 17 The #ClimateLegacy ActionOn 2/17! President Obama has just 4 years left to provide the leadership we need to stop climate change that is causing extreme weather like Hurricane Sandy, and Keystone XL is the first test of whether he's up for the job. This Spring, President Obama will decide whether to build the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, which will carry 830,000 barrels a day of the dirtiest oil on earth for export. On Presidents Day weekend, Feb 17, 2013, we'll be taking to the streets of Washington, D.C., with thousands to form a massive human pipeline, and to tell the President that we expect leadership on climate change, beginning with a rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. A project of: #ClimateLegacy Action email: [address removed]



***SUN FEB 17 at in Washington, D.C. Join The #ClimateLegacy Action On 2/17! " BIGGEST CLIMATE ACTION RALLY DEMONSTRATION EVER! " On Presidents Day weekend, Feb 17, 2013, we'll be taking to the streets of Washington, D.C., with thousands to form a massive human pipeline, and to tell the President that we expect leadership on climate change, beginning with a rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. President Obama has just 4 years left to provide the leadership we need to stop climate change that is causing extreme weather like Hurricane Sandy, and Keystone XL is the first test of whether he's up for the job. This Spring, President Obama will decide whether to build the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, which will carry 830,000 barrels a day of the dirtiest oil on earth for export. Join The #ClimateLegacy Action On 2/17! President Obama has just 4 years left to provide the leadership we need to stop climate change that is causing extreme weather like Hurricane Sandy, and Keystone XL is the first test of whether he's up for the job. This Spring, President Obama will decide whether to build the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, which will carry 830,000 barrels a day of the dirtiest oil on earth for export. *** You, me, and 8,000 others (so far!) RSVP YES: go to: RSVP: Maybe -- keep me updated --- go to: Nature has spoken: Sandy. Wildfires. Drought. It's our turn to speak. RSVP for the biggest climate rally yet, this February in D.C.! . P.S. After you RSVP, be sure to forward this message to your friends and colleagues -- every new voice grows this movement in powerful ways. Together, it's our job to make sure the President sees a movement on climate that he can't ignore. We'll have more details about the rally next month, but for now, start making travel plans and circle February 17 on your calendar. See you in February, Michael Brune Sierra Club Executive Director . Six weeks after superstorm Sandy, much of the New Jersey Coast -- where I grew up and my family still lives -- remains in ruins. No one is allowed to move back permanently yet -- and none of us were prepared for what we saw the first time we were let in to view the damage.
RSVP YES: go to:

Those affected by Sandy are not the first Americans touched by the climate crisis. Last year, the U.S. had 14 storms that caused more than $1 billion in damages each, breaking all records. And across the country, wildfires have destroyed thousands of homes from Texas to Washington. But there is good news. Together, we've proven time and time again that grassroots voices can speak louder than Big Coal and Big Oil's deep pockets. The last time we gathered in Washington, D.C., to demand climate action, thousands of us surrounded the White House -- and it worked. Right when every political "expert" said the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline was a done deal, we beat the odds and convinced President Obama to take a year to study it. So this Presidents Day, activists from the Sierra Club,, and other partner groups are going back. This will be the biggest climate demonstration yet -- if you can make it, you need to come and be a part of history. You can make this a Presidents Day that President Obama won't forget -- sign up to join the rally, stop the toxic Keystone XL pipeline, and create tangible momentum for further climate action. Together, it's our job to make sure the President sees a movement on climate that he can't ignore. We'll have more details about the rally next month, but for now, start making travel plans and circle February 17 on your calendar. See you in February, Michael Brune Sierra Club Executive Director P.S. After you RSVP, be sure to forward this message to your friends and colleagues -- every new voice grows this movement in powerful ways. *** SUN FEB 17 in WASHINGTON D.C. You, me, and 8,000 others (so far!) RSVP YES: go to:


Nature has spoken: Sandy. Wildfires. Drought. It's our turn to speak. RSVP for the biggest climate rally yet, this February in D.C.! Six weeks after superstorm Sandy, much of the New Jersey Coast -- where I grew up and my family still lives -- remains in ruins. No one is allowed to move back permanently yet -- and none of us were prepared for what we saw the first time we were let in to view the damage. The first floor of almost every house was gutted. It's surreal and heart-sickening to look down the streets and see the piles of people's storm-damaged possessions -- carpet, furniture, appliances, toys, and clothing -- lined up like haystacks. The climate crisis is here, it is now, and it is affecting real lives. It has never been clearer that we need bold and immediate leadership. That's why on February 17, thousands of citizens will head to the White House and demand President Obama take serious action on climate -- you should be one of them. Traveling to D.C. is no small task, but something this big has to start early, and it has to start with the people who care the most. In just the first few days since the announcement, 8,000 activists have already RSVP'd. Join them at the White House in Washington D.C on February 17 and make this the biggest climate demonstration yet!


***MONDAY, FEBUARY 18 thru FRIDAY, FEBUARY 22, 201 3 IN Washington, D.C. " SAVE SERVICE DISTRICT DAYS & VISIT YOUR CONGRESS MEMBERS AT HOME in regard, to the BUDGET PROCESS for the FISCAL YEAR " Save the Date. President’s Day recess is the perfect time to reach Members of Congress! at home as they examine budgets continuing to look for cost savings. While these decisions are being made, we must make sure Members of Congress hear from you about the local value and impact of national service in their district. One request we hear a lot from folks is for more advance notice of upcoming days of action. As we look ahead to the 113th Congress and the need to demonstrate support for service in advance of the budget process for the 2014 Fiscal Year (We know, already, right?) we are asking you to “save the date” for our upcoming Save Service District Days in February. Save the Date Save Service District Days February 18 – 22, 2013 Help us make this event successful by saving the date and signing up to lead a local meeting in your area. Nature has spoken: Sandy. Wildfires. Drought. It's our turn to speak. RSVP for the biggest climate rally yet, this February in D.C.! Six weeks after superstorm Sandy, much of the New Jersey Coast -- where I grew up and my family still lives -- remains in ruins. No one is allowed to move back permanently yet -- and none of us were prepared for what we saw the first time we were let in to view the damage.*** Save Service GO to: We are looking for individuals to help recruit volunteers and find Meeting Leaders in key areas across the country. For more information on how you can help with District Days, email Morgan St. Jean: at [address removed] email Morgan St. Jean Reply-To: [address removed] WEBSITE:


***WED FEB 20 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 " DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO VOTER REGISTRATION EVENT: NEW CITIZENS! NEW VOTERS! " New Citizens! New Voters! Come help us register new citizens to vote after they are naturalized at this month's ceremony. We'll provide the training
and materials--all you need to do is show up! Civic Center Plaza - just outside Golden Hall downtown. *Where: Civic Center Plaza, 3rd & B St., San Diego, CA 92101 Contact: (858)[masked] Email: [address removed]


***WED FEB 20 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. (Registration will begin at 4:30 p.m.) The San Diego Foundation Malin Burnham Center for Civic Engagement presents a Civic Literacy Session with "MANUEL PASTOR, Program for Environmental and Regional Equity at The University of Southern California ". Discussion on environmental justice, regional inclusion, and the economic and social conditions facing low-income urban communities. Why: To begin a public and open dialogue on what civic engagement means for the San Diego region and how to measure its success. Manuel Pastor is a professor of Geography and American Studies & Ethnicity at the University of Southern California (USC), and the founding director of the Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Pastor currently directs the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity at USC and is co-director, with Dowell Myers, of USC’s Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration. FREE EVENT Please RSVP by Monday, February 18th by Registering for this event at: Space is limited. ( SAN DIEGO FOUNDATION: 2508 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 200, San Diego, California 92106 Phone: (619)[masked] • Email: [address removed] • Website: Civic engagement is growing as a movement. Join us for a discussion about demographic change, economic inequality, community empowerment, and the relevance these have on regional economic resilience and prosperity. ) Reply-To: [address removed] Civic Literacy-Where Participation Happens *Where: The San Diego Foundation, Deborah Hoffman Community Room, 2508 Historic Decatur Rd., Ste. 200 San Diego, CA 92106


***THUR FEB 21, 2013 from 6-8pm. 'VOW' SALON for SUPPORTERS " VOW ~ Voices of Women, will host a Supporters' Salon at the home of Board Director Brent Wakefield on February 21, 2013 from 6-8pm. This event will feature a speaker who will address a global issue affecting women. RSVP to [address removed] by January 31, 2013. *Where: Home of Board Director Brent Wakefield (address provided upon RSVP)_ January: VOW will begin a six-month partnership with The Tomorrow Project and LEAD San Diego. February: A Supporters' Salon at the home of Brent Wakefield, featuring a speaker who will address a global issue affecting women. May: VOW will partner with Room to Read (featured in the PBS documentary Half the Sky) and young people, to stage an educational event. August: VOW will collaborate with Moxie Theatre to stage a reading of Seven (a play about seven global women written by seven female playwrights) October 17: VOW's 5th Annual Beyond Borders Benefit. November 8: Five Rings Financial will stage a 2nd Expo to benefit VOW. email: [address removed] phone: [masked] web:

***THUR FEB 21, 2013 at 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. AND 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. In Costa Mesa " California Public Utilities Commission ~ CPUC to hold Public Participation Hearing on SONGS " Why: To hear from the public about whether the CPUC should remove the value of any portion of the SONGS facility from rate base, disallow rate recovery of any expenses related to the operation of SONGS, and/or make any findings of fact, conclusions of law, or orders directing SCE to take specific actions as a result of the non-operation of SONGS. Post Comments to email: [address removed] Posted by admin on February 7, 2013 · The CPUC will hold a Public Participation Hearing regarding the CPUC investigation of SONGS in Costa Mesa on February 21,[masked] CPUC PPH for SONGS in Costa Mesa. Email: [address removed] *Where: Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa **** To receive electronic updates on this or any other proceeding, sign-up for the CPUC’s free subscription service at Additional information on the CPUC’s investigation is available at:,57,RI R:P5_PROCEEDING_SELECT:I[masked] For more information on Public Participation Hearings, please see For more information on the CPUC, please visit ### [address removed]v (Note: Additional Resource: Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility website: FACEBOOK: ) *Where: Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa


*** FRIDAY FEB 22 to MONDAY FEB 25 In Washington, D.C. " Americans for Safe Access NATIONAL CONFERENCE ~ BRIDGING the GAP Between PUBLIC & POLICY " ASA helped AHPA find the experts in the medical cannabis field who developed these important new guidelines, and we will keep working together to be sure they are a part of the nationwide conversation about medical cannabis. We are happy to announce that AHPA is co-sponsoring our national conference, Bridging the Gap Between Public and Policy, February 22-25 in Washington, DC. AHPA will also be convening a groundbreaking industry meeting at the conference to keep working on medical cannabis as a medicine – not a dangerous drug. Register for the conference and historic citizen-lobby day today. There is still time to make a reservation at the beautiful Mayflower Renaissance Hotel, and you have until Friday, February 1, to apply for a conference scholarship. As an added incentive to register now, ASA will give everyone who registers before Friday, February 1, one of our limited edition purple logo lapel pins! You cannot buy these. You can only get one by registering for the conference.


***SAT FEB 23 Starting at 11:30am San Diego Green Party MONTHLY MEETING *Where: Held at Joyce Beers Community Center, Vermont Street, north of University in Hillcrest, near Trader Joe's.


***SAT FEB 23 at 1:30 – 4:30 p.m " HRC San Diego Bowling for Equality " Purchase Tickets Individual Bowlers - $35 Lane sponsors - $125 Includes sponsor recognition of one lane. Participating Sponsors (includes 5 bowlers) - $265 (Saves $35) Includes sponsor recognition of lane and 5 bowlers. Join HRC San Diego for an afternoon of bowling and fun in the name of equality! For more information about the event please contact: [address removed], and for more information about sponsorship please email: [address removed]. Please help us share the news of these events! All HRC members, supporters, friends and family are welcome. Email: [address removed] *Where: Kearny Mesa Bowl, 7585 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92111

*** TUES FEB 26 at NOON - LUNCHEON  *The City Club of San Diego presents: "MAX BOOTS of the Council on Foreign Relations and former editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal. " Gamazing. Seriously, the man's a marvel. Max Boot returns at his request. And since he's one of our favorites, what could be better? Max is one thoughtful, serious guy, which is underscored by his new book, "War Made New: Weapons, Warriors, and the Making of the Modern World." Details on the event: City Club Members and La Jolla Country Day School Parents: $10, Non-members: $20 Phone Reservations:[masked]. To Register online, go to:

*************MARCH 2013 *************

★ SUNDAY, MARCH 3 thru THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013 " UN COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN 57TH SESSION" March 3 - 14, 2013, in New York City. The Theme this year is "The Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women". WIN is accrediting delegates now to the UN CSW sessions. Pre-registration deadline is January 12, 2013 . If you are interested, contact WIN at [address removed]. WIN is convening a panel in a series with the San Francisco Department on Women and US Women Connect : Winning Strategies To End Violence Against Women - Local, National and Global Models *** WATCH FOR OUR JANUARY E-NEWS ! We have plans to Reboot a US Women's Agenda with a National Conference on US Women - the first since 1978. STAY TUNED! Check out our upgraded Weblog and Tweet and Friend us at our Facebook. Website: Weblog: TWEET: FACEBOOK:


***TUES MARCH 5. [masked]:00PM Noon LUNCHEON at The City Club of San Diego proudly presents " JIM WALLIS of SOJOURNERS " Jim Wallis has been a frequent guest of ours, and there are few individuals I admire more. He comes this time to discuss his new book, "On God's Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned about Serving the Common Good." Jim Wallis, CEO of Sojourners, is a bestselling author, public theologian, speaker, and international commentator on ethics and public life. He recently served on the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and currently serves as the chair of the Global Agenda Council on Faith for the World Economic Forum. Details on the event: : $10, Non-members: $20 Phone Reservations:[masked] Cost: City Club Members and La Jolla Country Day School Parents: $30, Non-members: $40*(Price includes an autographed copy of Jim’s book)To Register online, go to: 12 - Noon Luncheon & Program *Where: Community Hall - La Jolla Country Day School, 9409 Regents Road, LJ 92037.


★ # 6*** WED MARCH 6 at 7-9pm " San Diego DFA & SD PDA Metro Meetup " Our speaker is FRANCINE BUSBY, our newly elected SDCDP Chair! Francine will be discussing the importance of supporting Mayor Filner. Francine wrote that " There is already organized opposition to Bob Filner, We have to do all we can to support him. The Party has several strategies that I can share." So, I think will we have a very productive and fun meetup. Carol Email: [address removed] *Where: Giovanni's restaurant's meeting room, 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92123. (Corner of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. & Ruffin Rd. across from the Voters Registrar's Office). Website:


***WED MARCH 13 at 4:00pm, " A Woman’s Voice: 2013 San Diego HIV/AIDS Women’s Conference " Join us on March 13, from 4-8:30 pm at *Where: The Center, SD LGB&T COMMUNITY CENTER, for an afternoon of sharing, learning and empowerment at the 2013 A Woman’s Voice HIV Women’s Conference. Spanish translation and childcare are available. For more information, please call[masked].


***SAT MARCH 16 at 6:00PM Join us for an evening of celebration & commemoration " 25th ANNUAL SAN DIEGO -IMPERIAL COUNTIES LABOR COUNCIL AWARDS DINNER " *Where: Holiday Inn on the Bay, 1355 Harbor Drive, SD 92101 Reply-To: [address removed]


***TUES MARCH 19 at 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM " SDCDP Central Committee Meeting " All members of the Central Committee are expected to attend this meeting; if you are not able to attend, please make sure your designated alternate is attending. Our Central Committee is the governing body of the County Democratic Party as defined in the California Government Code and Elections Code. It is comprised of local Democrats elected by voters in each Assembly District, as well as partisan-level Democratic elected officials and nominees. This group conducts the County Party's general business, approves its budget, coordinates Democratic campaign activity, and endorses candidates for local offices. *Where: Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall, located at 4594 Mission Gorge Place, San Diego, 92120 Email: [address removed] Website:


*** WED MARCH 20 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM " New Citizens! New Voters! DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO VOTER REGISTRATION EVENT " Come help us register new citizens to vote after they are naturalized at this month's ceremony. We'll provide the training and materials--all you need to do is show up! Civic Center Plaza - just outside Golden Hall downtown. *Where: Civic Center Plaza, 3rd & B St., San Diego, CA 92101 Contact: (858)[masked] Email: [address removed]

************* APRIL 2013 ************

***FRIDAY APRIL 5, 2013 thru SUNDAY APRIL 7, 2013 at In DENVER, CO " MEDIA MATTERS presents " THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR MEDIA REFORM " The National Conference for Media Reform is dedicated to changing the media and building a better democracy. The conference will be held in Denver on April 5–7, 2013. We’ll tackle lots of big questions in Denver. Will innovation and creativity flourish online, or will corporations lock the Internet down? How will the next generation of journalists redefine what it means to report the news? Will communities have access to the technologies they need to solve the problems they face? How can we take on big companies and corrupted policymakers — and win? Our conference brings together some of the nation’s best thinkers, activists and media makers because we believe that building a better world begins with people connecting to each other in person. Register now to get our early-bird rate of $170! This offer is good through Jan. 30, 2013. Register Today go to:


***MON APRIL 8 at Time: TBD at SD State University " MEDEA BENJAMIN'S NEW BOOK " DRONE WARFARE: KILLING BY REMOTE CONTROL " Presentation & book signing by: Medea Benjamin co-founder of CODEPINK and Global Exchange. “It's a way of waging war without putting U.S. lives at risk. It's a way of waging war without letting the American people know we're even at war. It's a way of waging war that lets the CIA and other secret organizations have control—don't even have to go to Congress. It's a tremendous abuse of executive power. And it's killing a lot of innocent civilians. And the American people need to know about it.” —Medea Benjamin If you'd like to book Medea Benjamin for an event or have questions about an event listed below, please contact Mobbie from the DC office at [address removed]. *Where: San Diego State University, CA TBA Website:


***FRIDAY APRIL 12 thru SUNDAY APRIL 14, 2013 " CALIFORNIA STATE CONVENTION IN SACRAMENTO " This is a reminder that our State Convention is right around the corner and we need your help to facilitate a productive and thrilling convention for the 3,000 delegates, guests and press in attendance! Join us as we celebrate our 2012 victories and plan for future Democratic victories at our State Convention April 12-14, 2013 in Sacramento. We will hold a mandatory training for all convention volunteers on Thursday April 11th. SIGN UP TO BE A VOLUNTEER AT THE 2013 CALIFORNIA STATE CONVENTION IN SACRAMENTO. ( Volunteers are needed in several areas ? some assignments will require sitting while others may involve standing or acting as a runner. There will be opportunities for you to attend General Session and hear our great speakers after your shifts! Those interested in volunteering must complete the volunteer form SOON as we are experiencing a rapid influx of volunteer sign-ups. If you have any questions, please contact Zuhal Bahaduri, Volunteer Coordinator at [address removed]. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any special needs, we will do our best to position you within your ability and interest! Thank you and see you in Sacramento! *Where: Sacramento Convention Center 1400 J St. Sacramento, CA 95814 Website:


***THUR APRIL 25 at Mark your calendars today for the" Seventh Annual Dining Out for Life® San Diego " on Thursday, April 25, 2013. This amazingly fun and inviting event is not to be missed as San Diegans come together to fill some of San Diego’s best restaurants to raise funds for HIV/AIDS programs at *Where: The San Diego LGBT Community Center Centre in Hillcrest Address: 3909 Centre Street San Diego, CA 92103 Phone:[masked] On April 25, Dining Out for Life® San Diego’s participating establishments will generously donate[masked] percent of their food and liquor sales on that day. Consider yourself invited and start thinking of where you’ll dine out with family and friends for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner at the participating restaurants on April 25. For more information on the event, or to suggest a favorite restaurant that might participate, contact Ian Johnson, Dining Out for Life® San Diego event coordinator, at [masked] x247 or [address removed]. Dining Out for Life® San Diego + Volunteers = Success If you are willing to volunteer with Dining Out for Life® San Diego, we would love to have your help. We need enthusiastic volunteers – particularly on the day of the event – to help make this fabulous community event a success. If you can give some time, or if you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Jerry Tomaszewicz at[masked] x202 or [address removed].

************** MAY 2013 ************

*** THUR MAY 9 at 1 Cocktail Hour 5:30PM | Dinner 6:30PM " PLANNED PARENTHOOD 50th ANNIVERSARY DINNER " Join us for our signature celebration at our 50th Anniversary Dinner. This energizing night will feature an engaging program celebrating the history of our organization while reconnecting you with a motivated community of friends. Register at: *Where: Hilton San Diego Bayfront One Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101 Register at:


***FRI MAY 24, 2013, at 7:30-9:00 am " Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast 2013 " Join us for the 2013 Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast on Friday May 24, 2013 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, 1 Park Blvd. Attended by more than 1,000 people, businesses, groups and organizations annually, this San Diego event is the largest Harvey Milk celebration in the state of California. For wait list information, email [address removed]. For the latest details, visit the Facebook page at . Date: Friday, May 24, 2013 Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM *Where: Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, 1 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101 If you'd like to attend this event you can purchase tickets online:

************ JUNE 2013 *************

***JUNE 20-23, 2013 *Thursday, June 20, 2013 - Sunday, June 23,[masked]:00 AM - 3:00 PM Pacific Time ***NETROOTS NATION 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE*** IN SAN JOSE *** In case you missed the announcement at the end of this year's conference, Netroots Nation 2013 is going to be June 20-23 in San Jose, CA. CONTACT US at Email: [address removed] or Snail Mail: Netroots Nation, 60 29th Street, #664, San Francisco, CA 94110  *Where: San Jose Convention Center, 150 West San Carlos St., San Jose, California 95110 USA:[masked]

************** ANNOUNCEMENTS & INFO **************

I. From John Hartley : [address removed] Subject: Clean Elections Campaign - It's time to finish it! Date: February 4,[masked]:18:59 AM PST To: [address removed] Neighborhoods for Clean Elections - "Back in the saddle!" Hi Everyone "Let the word go out far and wide!" We have restarted our clean elections campaign for the City of San Diego! Our campaign went dark at the beginning of 2012 as we realized that we did not have the strength and energy to put a clean elections initiative on the November 2012 ballot. This was after our long term campaign effort where we signed up over 500 people as supporters of clean elections and earned the endorsements of 12 town councils on top of the endorsement of Common Cause, the Sierra Club, the League of Women Voters and the local Labor Council. Our goal now is to build on the work we have done in the past over the next three years, put a citizen's initiative for clean elections on the 1916 presidential ballot and win that campaign! As you know, the need to counter the destructive forces of big money has gotten greater over the past year with the full implementation of Citizen's United around the country, including right here in San Diego! A clean elections victory here in San Diego, would not only give our neighborhoods a greater say in their own neighborhoods and in the overall affairs of the city, but would provide a beacon of hope to all those across the state and nation who are appalled at the onslaught of secret, big money contributions trying to buy government at the expense of the average person. We realized that this campaign will take a lot of effort. We will need your help in any way that you can help. We particularly need the following: First, we will need to raise a lot more money than the $9,800 that we have raised. You can help financially either in a small way or a big way by going to our web page: and following the directions on how to contribute. Second, we need volunteer help in two main areas: research and outreach. If you are willing to research clean election happenings around the nation, please let me know. And we will need help with outreach to the various groups around the city. If you are willing to help with this, please let me know. I might also suggest that if you would like training in organizing or in specific areas like public speaking or in local politics, let me know and we can work out a tailored program that would fill your needs and help forward our clean elections campaign at the same time. And finally, I would like to share with you how you can contact our campaign or follow up nationally on clean elections. Our web page is and this site was built to help the organizer. You can always contact me at [masked] or [address removed]. If I am not in, leave me the best number and time to call you and I will get back to you. The best source for updates on clean elections around the nation is Public Campaign's web page at: Thanks again for your support. This country was founded on the principle of "all men are created equal." To implement this principle, we believe that all Americans have the right to have a say in their elected government and we believe that clean elections empowers that right. John Hartley - Campaign Coordinator: Neighborhoods for Clean Elections


II. ★★★ KNSJ RADIO 89.1 FM ★★★ !!! FREE & INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY RADIO! ★ GO TO: or ★ PLEASE, GIVE THE GIFT OF FREE SPEECH - TAX DEDUCTIBLE THANK YOU! ★ You have been angered by the corporate media for decades; Sickened by right-wing talk radio hate speech, If You miss KLSD and love Amy Goodman ★★★ Now " WE " can have our own access to people-powered radio 24/7!! KNSJ Radio, YOUR Network for Social Justice, will be an independent community radio station in the San Diego County and border region area. ★ KNSJ is a radio station of the people, by the people and for the people, and as an independent media outlet will give a voice to thousands of people currently unheard. Become a Community Radio Founder and Sustainer! Please join this grassroots effort to build an independent medium of communication for the progressive people of San Diego working for Peace and Social Justice. Our goal is to raise $400,000 during the next 3 years! go to: or Contact KNSJ @[masked] ★★★ See the Video at ★★★ MARTIN EDER: (619) 871 - 9354

III. PDA Announces: Three Year Law Scholarships for Social Justice Activists I’m very pleased to write this shout-out for America’s most progressive law school, the UDC David A. Clarke School of Law (UDC-DCSL). UDC-DCSL is PDA’s home away from home in Washington DC and is the location of our upcoming Progressive Central activities.UDC-DCSL is also America’s most diverse law school, very affordable, and boasts a FULL TUITION THREE YEAR SCHOLARSHIP for excellent students who have demonstrated deep commitment to justice and the public interest! We became familiar with this law school through JOE LIBERTELLI, a FOUNDING PDA Advisory Board MEMBER & ACTIVIST! And, a friend of mine personally since 1980. It’s the real deal. We had the first PDA Progressive Central at UDC-DCSL in 2005. Please check out their splash page for activists at: and feel free to write our friendl Joe at [address removed] for more information. Hope to see you on January 19th at the UDC David Clarke School of Law for Progressive Central III! Peace, Tim Carpenter, National Director

IV. Bernie’s news conference » •Sign Bernie’s petition » • Read the senators’ letter to the FCC (pdf) » 2011%2030%202012.pdf

V. ★ BLANKETS NEEDED ★ BORDER ANGELS ★ WEBSITE: DROP BLANKETS OFF AT THE BORDER ANGELS OFFICE: Sherman Community Center, 2258 Island Ave., SD 92102 *(There is a box for Donations outside the door to the office). Contact PAM at email: [address removed] or call for Office Hours:[masked] Border Angels[masked] Enrique Morones: Email: [address removed] ★ BLANKETS NEEDED! ★ BORDER ANGELS ★ Website:


VI. ★ GUN CONTROL ★: “We’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.” --President Obama Hours after the horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut that claimed 28 lives, including 20 children, President Obama promised the nation he would take action. The harsh truth is that we’ve heard this promise before. After Aurora. After Tucson. After Virginia Tech. After Columbine. Promises are not enough. We need action -- and we need your help to make sure that this time the president follows through. Forward this email and ask your friends and family to join more than 300,000 in signing our petition to Demand A Plan: Click here: -- To share the Demand A Plan petition on Facebook. CLICK HERE: to ask your friends to join you in tweeting at the President. 34 Americans are murdered with guns every day in America. That means more than 48,000 Americans will be murdered with guns in the President Obama’s second term -- and he has no plan to address gun violence. Now is the time to talk about guns. Now is the time to prevent more pointless deaths. Now is the time to Demand A Plan to end gun violence. Thank you for spreading the word, Mark Glaze, Mayors Against Illegal Guns Website:




VIII. ★ STOP MEDIA CONSOLIDATION! SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS is leading a fight against a Federal Communications Commission proposal to allow fewer and fewer news media conglomerates to control more and more television stations, radio stations and newspapers. “We’re going to do everything we can to prevent it from happening,” Bernie told Bill Moyers in an interview that will air this weekend on Moyers & Company. Media concentration limits the public's access to unbiased information about important issues, drowns out independent voices, hurts local news and community affairs coverage, eliminates competition and discourages diversity in ownership. The FCC could issue an order on the rule change as early as January. You can help stop the FCC by signing Bernie’s petition go to: Watch a preview of Moyers & Company » Check your local listings for Moyers & Company » •


IX. ★ SUNDAY, MARCH 3 thru THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013 " UN COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN 57TH SESSION " March 3 - 14, 2013, in New York City. [Photo: WIN at the UN CSW 2005 with Japanese and Afghan Interns] The Theme this year is "The Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women"'. WIN is accrediting delegates now to the UN CSW sessions. Pre-registration deadline is January 12, 2013 . If you are interested, contact WIN at [address removed]. WIN is convening a panel in a series with the San Francisco Department on Women and US Women Connect : Winning Strategies To End Violence Against Women - Local, National and Global Models WATCH FOR OUR JANUARY E-NEWS ! We have plans to Reboot a US Women's Agenda with a National Conference on US Women - the first since 1978. STAY TUNED! Check out our upgraded Weblog and Tweet and Friend us at our Facebook. Website: Weblog: TWEET:

It's a new day - Our Candidates and Propositions Won!
Now they have to govern.... ...and we need to help them!
What's in this issue?
Now that our favorite candidates are in office how can we help them?
Mayor Filner.

Join in with the PDA. Facebook tip Help us gain ground for our candidates and office holders Got ideas, or need help? Friend us and like us on Facebook and post videos and comments on your Facebook page.

Thanks!!! With your participation we tried new things. We had major successes. Now we need to help our new office holders govern and then get re-elected!

As we mentioned in our last Newsletter, we all need to pat ourselves on the back for the work we did using social media to get the word out about our favored candidates. ...and they all won!!!
It is very unlikely that the Republicans are sitting around feeling sorry for themselves. They will be studying what we did and making every attempt to one-up us in the next elections.
In the meantime, we have a task that we haven't had a lot of experience with. Along with working on a re-election strategy for our office holders, we have a new task of helping them govern.

Mayor Filner's new director of open government, Donna Frye, has already met with us at the December PDA meeting and she asked for our help. So, we will start with Mayor Filner and as our successes rack up we will add other office holders to our strategy.
We have every intention of continuing to use the Social Media Network that we all created and was so successful during the election cycle.
But, first we need to get together and work out strategy and discuss exactly what we want to accomplish.

Defending Mayor Filner; Advancing a Progressive Agenda While we all have been successful in helping elect the first Democratic mayor of San Diego in years, we can not afford to sit back. Mayor Filner is already under attack from Republican special interests and right-wing media and needs our support. Mayor Filner came into office only to find that the claims of the former mayor about a budget surplus was a myth and that in fact the city is over $30,000,000.00 in debt.
Add to that the city council recently granted to special interests huge corporate welfare benefits that will cost taxpayer millions. Corporate interests, convinced the city council to give corporate welfare handouts to the visitors bureau and to a well connected hotel group. Both actions will cost taxpayers dearly. The bottom line is that Mayor Filner can not count on the city council to advance progressive programs. He needs our active support.

We can support the mayor in two ways.

First, we must proactively push back against the special interests and Republican media that still assume they run the city.
Second, we must be working to promote progressive ideas that can be implemented in our city. Our time is now. We must think of what can be done to make our city and county truly the finest. We can take ideas from other cities that implemented programs that work.
Programs for a greener city Programs that protect our city in a cost effective way Programs that develop transportation systems that do not just pour more concrete for cars Programs that protect our housing and our neighborhoods

We can do but we must all join in now. The San Diego Progressive Democrats of America Metro Chapter (PDA) is gearing up to do all this. Will you join in? We need you now more than ever.

On Wednesday, MARCH 6th, 2013 the PDA will meet at Giovanni's Pizza at 9553 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. at 7:00PM. At this time a discussion of the above is on the agenda.  FRANCINE BUSBY, Chair of the SDCounty Democratic Party will be our guest speaker.

Please join us!

The PDA/DFA meeting is the first Wednesday of every month. There is no fee to "join" but you are encouraged to have dinner there so that we don't have to pay extra for the room. We are in the process of re-chartering the PDA San Diego chapter.

If you would lo join the PDA, you can do so at and click on "Join PDA." Other than getting occasional donation request emails, there is no charge.

Facebook Tip: If you still need a Facebook account or a Twitter account, you can get instructions on how to do it on our website at (Cut and Paste into your browser, if necessary.) Click on "Get Social" on the menu near the top of the screen. [Back to Top] Help MBC Gain New Ground for our Candidates, Office Holders, and issues We are thrilled with what we all accomplished during 2012.

Needless to say, we want to keep up the momentum going to help our candidates and office holders implement change. Your donations to MBC will help defray some of the costs.

You can find a link to a "donate" page on our website at: (Cut and Paste into your browser, if necessary.) Or, there is a direct link at:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


As always, if you have questions or suggestions you can contact us at [address removed]. Or, speak with us at the next PDA Meeting.

The 2013 Republicans Explained:
The new session of Congress is in session and the 2013 Republicans are implementing their new policies for President Obama's new term. This video describes what we can expect from them.
Please tweet the link (use hashtag #NEWGOP2013) and like it for your facebook page.

For more details go to our website: (Cut and Paste into your browser if necessary.)

Over the past several months you signed up to be part of the San Diego Rapid Response Team. Our mailing address is: Much Better Choices PO BOX 1572 Bonita, CA 91908

Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
This message was sent by Carol Changus ([address removed]) from The San Diego Democracy for America Meetup Group.
To learn more about Carol Changus, visit his/her member profile
To unsubscribe from special announcements from your Organizer(s), click here

Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]