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*** SATURDAY AUGUST 29th @ 5:00PM VOTE SARAH SAEZ, " MAKE SAN DIEGO FOR AFFORDABLE FOR ALL " A Fundraising Event to Elect SARAH SAEZ to San Diego City Council, District #9 . RSVP:

From: Carol C.
Sent on: Thursday, August 27, 2015, 4:25 PM


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*** SATURDAY AUGUST 29th @ 5:00PM VOTE SARAH SAEZ, " MAKE SAN DIEGO FOR AFFORDABLE FOR ALL " A Fundraising Event to Elect SARAH SAEZ to San Diego City Council, District #9 " Spend the Evening with us in CITY HEIGHTS, One of the most DIVERSE Neighborhoods in the Country ~ to Talk About MAKING OUR DISTRICT & CITY MORE AFFORDABLE, SAFE & GREEN FOR ALL. Light Refershments & drinks will e served & then JOIN US after the tour to support LOCAL SMALL BUSINESSES BLACK & TACO MIEDO FOOD TRUCK!  GARCIAS POR TODO!!! TOGETHER WE CAN WIN!   RSVP: Address given at RSVP. Even if you can not attend you can still contribute at email: [address removed] Facebook:\/SeazD9 donations from $29. to $99. suggested for our 9 for District 9. campaign! All contributions will be going back out into our local community for walks, phone banks and union made supplies!Where: My house followed by a TOUR of our block!



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