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Help FREE an Innocent man "Killing Atticus Finch" Martin Sheen,will host&narrate documentary! Visit GOFUNDME

From: Carol C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 5, 2015, 3:13 PM

Help FREE an Innocent man!

"Killing Atticus Finch" Martin Sheen, will host & narrate this documentary! Visit GOFUNDME

An innocent man remains in jail while the corrupt officials that put him there have never been held accountable."

Alabama Governor Don Siegelman was bound up and thrown in jail on trumped-up charges in the push by Karl Rove to turn states red in 2002.

Don's life and career were upended and ruined by corrupt officials and a corrupt judicial setup. The whole sordid story is coveredat

It is unconscionable that he is still in jail!

Please donate below to make his documentary a reality.

Thank you,

Like Tweettop-banner-on-red-3d Let's raise $50,000.00 this September!

KAF Title Page10

You can be a part of the making of this documentary! Give today!

Aim to Release Film during Elections


President Bartlett, alias Martin Sheen, will host and narrate the documentary!

Dear Patricia,

As our team grows, our mission is becoming more clear!


We are aiming to release this film during the next presidential election cycle in order to raise awareness of the Don Siegelman Story and the corrupt election strategies used to assassinate his career; strategies that may be used in the upcoming election!.
Help us reach this goal! Visit the GoFundMe page. and make a contribution!

Help us raise $50K in September!

In order to move this mission forward we are trying to reach a goal of $50,000.00 dollars this month! All levels of contribution are welcome!
One dollar, or $100, or $100,000 given from the heart is appreciated.
Consider a regular monthly contribution of any amount to this project until we make this film a reality.
Together we can tell the world about this travesty of justice, and expose the people who put this innocent man in jail.Please - do it today - and support our project by donating at our GoFundMe page.

Hosted by President Bartlet, aka Martin Sheen, and produced by Oscar winner, Academy Award Winner Maria Florio, the movie will expose the dark underbelly of politics that most Americans are completely unaware of.
If you want to see this movie released during next year’s critical elections, please donate whatever you can to make this project become a reality.
For the entire month of September, we are on a campaign drive to reach our fundraising goal of $90,000. Today, we raised about $41,000, so we are almost half way there.
The only way this will happen is if you take action right now, and donate whatever you can afford.
Please remember that an innocent man remains in jail while the corrupt officials that put him there have never been held accountable!
Visit GOFUNDME to make a donation or investment in this important work!

We must tell Don's story to help him regain his freedom. With help from donors like you, we’ve been able to join forces with Academy Award Winner Maria Florio and Actor/Activist Mimi Kennedy, who have both signed on as producers of the film.
Maria and Mimi will add an enormous amount of quality and expertise to our feature length documentary.
We have kept the producer in crackers and cheese while he works around the clock writing, filming and editing the film.
. Join the Team! If you have been following this story, you may think you know quite a bit about the Siegelman prosecution, but this documentary has uncovered even more shocking revelations than known before!Please give Killing Atticus Finch a hand! Visit GOFUNDME to make a donation or investment in this important work!

Don E. Siegelman is the former Governor of Alabama, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State. He is currently a guest of the Federal Bureau of Prison until 2017.For more information go to
Please like and follow me on Siegelman

Twitter: @DonSiegelman


Wonder What All the Fuss is About??For a quick start, watch te trailer for KILLING ATTICUS FINCH.To dig deeper, visit FREE-DON.ORG
SHARE THIS NEWSLETTER ON FACEBOOK @FreeDonSiegelman facebook twitter 1px©2015Friends of Don Siegelman |[masked]st Ave North, Birmingham, AL 35203


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