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FW: NTXMA 4th of July 10 Mile Hump

From: Ryan H.
Sent on: Monday, July 1, 2013, 7:36 AM

Do you have plans for the 4th?  If not, consider joining the NTXMA for a fun little stroll outside.



From: Cliff Sosamon [mailto:csosamon=[address removed]] On Behalf Of Cliff Sosamon
Sent: Monday, July 01,[masked]:29 AM
To: Ryan Holloway
Subject: NTXMA 4th of July 10 Mile Hump


"No one who's served will ever walk alone."

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NTXMA is excited to host the 2nd Annual 4th of July 10 Mile Hump! Veterans, their families and supporters will be walking 10 miles to honor those who have served in US military.

Last summer thirty NTXMA supporters joined us in Frisco for the first event. So far this year there are over 100 people registered to attend the free event. 

The purpose is to show support to our veterans and service members. We are also raising funds to purchase tickets for veterans to attend the 2nd Annual NTXMA Military Ball which will be held on November 1st. 
The march will kick off at 7:30 am at Mourning Dove Park at 11219 Round Mountain Drive in Frisco.  There will be family entertainment provided by Bounce for Fun and GameTruck HQ, and refreshment provided by My Fit Foods

Please feel free to share this with your friends and family by clicking on the share buttons at the bottom of this email. 

There are many ways to participate. If you are unsure about walking 10 miles, we are still looking for volunteers and donors.   

As always, thank you for all your support and I hope to see you on Thursday.

Happy Independance Day!

Cliff Sosamon
Founder & President 


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