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Discover Kayak Moving to Katie's Woods Park

From: Steve W.
Sent on: Friday, May 16, 2014, 2:51 PM

Meadowmere has become so crowded that we have decided to move Discover Kayak to Katie's Woods Park on lake Grapevine, the same location we are doing the Wednesday Paddles. We will be conducting all lessons and rentals there. Katie's Woods Park does not have a gate fee, but does have a good restroom and launch. The boat ramp is currently closed so boat traffic is low.

The best way to get to Katie's Woods is to take Doolly Street from in Grapevine following the signs to the Vineyards Campground. At the Vineyards Campground bear left on Katie's Woods Loop, this will lead you to the boat ramp.

Discover Kayak will be renting every Saturday and Sunday from 10am-6pm besides our lessons at 10am and 2pm. Club members can rent for $10 per hour, reg .$15


Steve Walls

Discover Kayak

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