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Celebrating 100 years of James Baldwin @ NYPL

Photo of Sid
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Celebrating 100 years of James Baldwin @ NYPL


Dear Dharma Drink friends,

Let us visit the New York Public Library (NYPL) to view their special exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of writer and activist James Baldwin.

Meetup details:
Date: 8/18/2024 (Sunday)
Time: 2 pm to 4 pm.
Location: Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York, NY 10018).

We will gather at the building's main entrance at 2 pm. We will meet and greet until 2:20 pm and then enter the building.

"James Baldwin was born in Harlem on August 2, 1924, and was a patron of The New York Public Library from a young age. In the course of his groundbreaking career, his writing and activism propelled him to international prominence, and his novels and essays continue to be widely read today. His papers, manuscripts, and other historical materials are stewarded by the Library's Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and form the basis of the two celebratory exhibitions, which feature many materials that have never before been on public display.

When James Baldwin's debut novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain, appeared in 1953, it announced his arrival as a talented young author to watch. Within a decade, Baldwin had become one of America’s most famous writers, and his passionate essays in The Fire Next Time (1963) had established him as a leading voice of the Civil Rights Movement."


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Dharma Drink: the hangout for Buddhists (& like minded)
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New York Public Library - Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
New York Public Library - Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, 5th Avenue East 42nd Street · New York, NY