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What we’re about

Virtual meetings are great, but there's often a disconnect once the meeting is over. KnoCard is the ultimate networking and marketing tool, using the latest trends and techniques - all combined into 1 groundbreaking platform. Rather than sharing your email, phone number, or social media links with other networkers, this technology enables you to share all of your information through 1 link.

If you rely on word of mouth to promote your business, you'll appreciate the referral networking tools built into KnoCard. All of your information, including photos, videos, external links, and contact information are housed together, with effective sharing tools built right in. KnoCard also offers a business-only social platform, in-app messaging, data analytics/reporting, and a light CRM

Join KnoCard Founder and CEO Rob Pickering for this eye-opening presentation, and discover the marketing and networking tool that will drive your success in 2024!