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What we’re about

Our Vision
Our vision is to create a fun and loving community of like-minded and hearted beings who are committed to their personal growth while sharing their gifts and talents with others.
We strive to provide a safe, loving and nurturing space where everybody can explore their inner worlds, listen to their divine voice and share their
life-path unique perspectives.

N U R T U R I N G  S P I R I T U A L  G R O W T H  T H R O U G H  B E A U T Y ,  H A R M O N Y  &  L O V E
Divine Humans Center is a home for the divine in us, is a place, where like minded and hearted humans 
come together to nurture growth and support the community through many spiritual practices, collaborations and artistic expressions to consciously and joyfully manifest beauty, harmony and love in our lifes.

Our Story
After many years of spiritual exploration and personal growth the time to flourish and share always comes.
Now, is that time, to offer and receive, to dance and sing,
to cry and let go, to embrace and create, to come together and love
our divine humanness
Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.” ~ Rumi

Join Our Community
Our community is open to anyone who is interested in exploring, practicing and consciously creating beautiful moments in the now.
We welcome you to join us on this journey of self-discovery, personal growth and sharing.