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Developers for NextGen Tech

From: Dhaval
Sent on: Wednesday, June 8, 2016, 8:05 PM
Hello friends,

I am looking for a Django Developers to develop an API and backend for Deep Learning and machine vision algorithm.

Started working on this project as a pet project but its demand is growing. The demand has forced me to expedite my efforts on development and hence looking for a mentor who can point me to the right direction for development or a developer who can work with me to publish the Algorithm to the world faster. 

Remuneration: As it can be imagined, this is one of those shoestring project (just to keep expectation realistic) but there will be remuneration, we can discuss that if you are interested.

Look forward for the interest.

Please reply to this email if you are interested. Please avoid "Reply All".

Thank you,
Dhaval Malaviya


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