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From: Dean J. S.
Sent on: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 4:21 PM
Formerly the organizer of the Superhero RPG Meetup which was just starting out, I was persuaded to take on organizer duties for this group by the suggestion that we can combine our interests and our groups. To be fair to the former members of the Superhero RPG Meetup, I have added Superhero RPG to our name and topics, and added 'and other gamers' to our about section. I'm not planning on other changes except an extra calendar event or two. I am open to better suggestions on the changes I've made, and I'm certain there are more elegant possibilities. I hope current members of this Meetup are not too disturbed by these changes. I have not canceled the Superhero RPG Meetup yet, so if someone feels these changes are unacceptable I am willing to step down as organizer if they are willing to step up.

I'm looking forward to meeting you in person and participating in our events.