Would you enjoy a discussion where we delve into the mysteries of dream world? This is a group for conscious dreamers.
For this meeting, we will be doing a group experiment. I once had a messenger come to me in a dream and share that if I wanted to have a certain experience that I could set the intention and experience it in my dream. The next several days I played around with dreaming intentionally. The result was incredible. For this group activity follow these simple instructions:
- Choose an intention of what you would like to experience or if you have a specific question that you would like direction or clarity on AND write it on a notecard.
- Place the notecard near you when you sleep (on a table or under the pillow is fine)
- Believe you will get a dream message or experience
- If you do not already have a routine for remembering your dreams this suggestion may help.....upon waking, I immediately grab my phone and open a voice recording app to record my dream. Later in the day, I transfer my dream recording into a journal.
- Come to the meetup and share your intention and the dream you had.
I love being guided by dream world and working with it to live the life of my dreams. If you love to talk about dreams and are looking for a place to be playful and explore this topic we would love to have you!