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Re: [entrepreneur-2391] The Benefits of joining the Dreamstake Startup Platform

From: Zulfiqar D.
Sent on: Sunday, February 17, 2013, 4:03 PM
Thanks for highlighting that via Dreamstake platform the workshops etc are still free :)

Certainly helps when recommending free events only to find out there is a charge.


On 17 February[masked]:10, Paul Dowling <[address removed]> wrote:

Dear Dreamstake Meetup Members,

I am sure that many Meetup members will not be aware that the main Dreamstake platform is hosted on  This is a specific platform for startup founders and others wishing to be associated with the startup scene. We have built up a membership of 8000 members, which of course is much larger than our meetup group. The advantages of joining include;

- Free attendance to all workshops (we are charging on Meetup)

- Access to Rackspace free 1 year hosting offer for eligible startups

- Access to the Government Startup Loan scheme and angel investment

- Startup ratings, detailed member profiles, linkedin signup

- Visibility of third party events

- Other benefits that we will introduce on an ad hoc basis is a free of charge network with all events and workshops offered free of charge to members.

We will be maintaining the Meetup group for the foreseeable future but would strongly urge members not to miss out on the additional functionality offered by the main platform.

Best regards,

Paul Dowling

Founder and CEO

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