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How Many Booze Freaks can you STUFF into a TINY BAR?

From: Kitty M.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 12:35 AM

Hey Strangers!

Can you believe we started this group 8 years ago? That means--Some of you weren't old enough to drink when we launched the meetup with an insane Mansion Party in Ja Jolla. And now that you're all over 21, you can start wondering how we are all going to fit into Home & Away for our Anniversary Bash. I figured--if we all lose about 20 pounds by Tuesday, July 19th we can cram an extra 50 people in.

We never had a meet up there, and I'm sure the people who work at Home & Away will be a little shocked to see us all demanding $2 Pacifico's and tacos...but as long as we tip them and maybe tell them that they're awesome...they won't mind working their butts off serving our beer guzzling, taco-stuffed asses. Hey, did you notice how I didn't say "asses" twice in once sentence? I used "butts" and then "asses" so I'm not being redundant when refering to a person's rear end. If my 4th grade English teacher could read this email now, maybe she can finally stop hating me for using shitty grammar.

I'm looking forward to having a fun time with all you guys. Hopefully those of you who RSVP'd will actually show up. According to my "meetup math" usually half the people who RSVP show up. So...because of the HUGE FLAKE FACTOR in San Diego, I have invited some other meetup groups in case a chunk of you guys decide to stay home alone with a bag of Hot Cheetos, and binge watching Game of Thrones for the 50th time. Afterward, you will pass out with no new friends, no human interaction, and no Drinking With Strangers.  You will go to work the next morning with Cheetos Breath and gas. And you'll have to hold it in all day till you go home wishing you got your ass out of the house to celebrate our 8th freakin' Anniversary Bash, where you could have been playing all sorts of games,and having fun with people you never met, but might turn out to be your best friend, buddy or cell mate if we all get arrested for trashing the place. But we won't. We will politely stuff ourselves into this tiny but awesome bar and have a blast. Right???

See you on Taco TUESDAY JULY 19th at Home & Away!


Your Organizer