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What we’re about

SF Republic meet-up series will provide users and Salesforce professionals with the tools to optimise what they get out of the system.

There’s already a wealth of great groups in the Salesforce community. 

We’re not looking to reinvent the wheel, but we do want to offer something that’s slightly different.

These meet-ups are designed with Salesforce professionals in mind. There will be plenty of food, drinks and networking, alongside our ultimate aim - to facilitate you and your career, as well as help you to drive revenue in the business you work for.

We will provide the content, speakers and topics each month, but we want you, the Salesforce community, to be the drivers of this. Tell us what is important to you and with our extensive network of impressive speakers and expert knowledge of the market, we will deliver frequent events that are guaranteed to add value to both you and the business you work for.

• We’ll be showcasing real and actionable success stories with Salesforce
• Industry innovators will provide insights into current and predicted market trends - helping you to get ahead of the curve 
• Receive collateral to take away and action (content) 
• You will be encouraged to interact and participate - giving you the opportunity to drive conversations and topics 
• We want you to lead and shape how this grows - tell us what interests you

If you are part of this great ecosystem, these events will ultimately help to maximise your success with Salesforce, while providing the opportunity to network with likeminded individuals and learn from industry leaders.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meet-up.