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Chicago Doctor Who Meetup - Update

From: Gordon D.
Sent on: Sunday, May 27, 2012, 1:45 PM
Good afternoon, everyone,

While we're in the middle of a very busy (and warm!) Memorial Day, I thought I would update
you guys on the happenings with the Meetup Group.

  • Hopefully, I should be learning where the Doctor Who 101 session for Learnapalooza will be
    held (another group organizes the event, and they'll be selecting the venue). Since most
    attendees are able to pre-register for Learnapalooza via another site, if you RSVP for it on
    Meetup, I will send you the link when it goes "live". (Although Learnapalooza allows for some
    walk-ins, I'm hoping this can be a great event for both newer as well as old-school Who fans).

  • Season/Series 7 Premiere - I would love to have a get-together for us to watch the premiere,
    but I'm lacking two key items of information: the actual date (rumored to be in late August) and
    a venue. If anyone has a venue suggestion that is free (or low-cost) with a television, please
    e-mail me privately and hopefully, we can set something up.

  • One issue that is raised is why we don't have events in the suburbs. Quite simply, it's travel -
    most of us (like me) may not own cars, nor can we travel for a one-shot event. However, if
    you're interested in seeing who else is out in your area by putting on a mini-meetup, please
    let me know. At the very least, we've helped bring "local" people together....and in the end,
    isn't that what Doctor Who is all about?

Thanks, and have a great and happy Memorial Day weekend!

Gordon, Your Humble Organizer