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Cocktail Party together with The food & wine meetup Friends - The Candle Bar

From: Stefano
Sent on: Monday, November 8, 2010, 10:16 PM
Hello International Friends!

I don't know if it's the same for you, for me "Meeting" is a visible word with so many positive images connected. I am telling you that cause this time we are going to make it double smile
We'll have the pleasure to meet with our Friends of The food & wine meetup group at The Candle Bar in Kellys Hotel for one Cocktail night event in a very enjoyable place.
The entrance is from The Kellys Hotel in George Street. You can lounge on the bars lush leathers couches while sipping a cocktail and chatting with nice people.

We agreed for 30 people per group.
So..let the RSVP begin. Hope to see you there!

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