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What we’re about

Let’s face it, navigating our careers can be confusing and challenging. Schools rarely equip us with skills such as choosing career paths, effective communication, negotiation, or leadership -- unless, of course, you pursue an expensive MBA degree.

The good news is that valuable books and online resources on growth and management are readily available. However, tackling these materials can be daunting without external encouragement and support. This is why the Dupont Book Club for Learning & Growth exists:

The mission of the book club is to build a community of learners dedicated to enhancing career skills and sharing experiences.
The Dupont Book Club for Learning & Growth meets bi-monthly, primarily on the first and third Sundays of each month. We host two types of events:

  • Book Discussion Event: On the first Sunday of the month, we discuss a book related to growth, management, biography, organizational behavior, and behavioral economics.
  • Ted-talk Discussion Event: On the third Sunday of every month, we discuss a ted-talk video related to these topics (5 to 30 minutes long).
  • Event details, including book or TED talk links and guided questions, will be posted at least a month in advance to allow ample time for preparation.

To ensure a positive experience for all participants, we have three ground rules for book discussion events:

  1. Step up and step back: If you've been talking a lot, step back and listen; if you've been quiet, step up and share your perspective or ask questions.
  2. Listen to understand, not to respond.
  3. Show respect for others and embrace diverse viewpoints.

Here is the list of books that we will likely read in the upcoming year (subject to change):

If you have a book / ted-talk video in mind that you’d like to discuss or host, feel free to message me. Here is a great book list to choose from:

Notes: This book club will always be free and will never accept any fundraising, sponsorship, or advertising. The only request is that, because we will usually meet at a local coffee shop, it will be great if participants can order some drinks or meal items during events.

Upcoming events (4+)

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