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DISC Summer Adult 7-side League

From: John
Sent on: Sunday, March 8, 2015, 4:31 PM

Congratulations to Leo Palmeri who won the trip to London to see the Arsenal v Liverpool game on 4th April.

In addition to regular pickups throughout the summer, DISC also hosts a 15 game 7-aside recreational league. Players can register either individually or as a team with prices starting from just $110 + HST for an individual or $1,238 + HST for a team of up to 14 players. Individual registrants will be combined to form teams or added to existing teams short of players.

Men's games are played on DISC's outdoor field on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Ladies Games on Thursday evenings.

The Early Bird Deadline is April 15th.

Full details and registration forms are available on DISC's website by clicking here.