What we’re about
This group brings together people interested in decentralization, web and most importantly decentralized web.
The Web we use today is not private, reliable or free from censorship. It lacks a memory, a way to preserve our digital record through time. Decentralization offers security. By distributing data, processing and hosting across millions of computers worldwide with no centralized control, a new Decentralized Web has the potential to be open, empowering users around the globe to control and protect their own personal data better than before.
The group is open to everyone interested. Some of the events might require some technical knowledge. Events will be mainly in English.
DWeb around the globe 🌍
#DWebAZ >> https://www.meetup.com/Desert-Blockchain/events/sgztmqyzlblc/
#DWebAUS >> https://www.meetup.com/DWeb-Austin/
#DWebBLN >> https://www.meetup.com/dweb-berlin/
#DWebBoston >> https://www.meetup.com/DWeb-BOS/
#DWebCamp >> https://dwebcamp.org/
#DWebPerm >> https://www.meetup.com/Permanently-decentralized/
#DWebSF >> https://www.meetup.com/dwebsf/
#DWebShanghai >> https://www.meetup.com/dweb-shanghai/