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Exploring the Higher Dimensions with Stargate Meditation

Photo of Rhonda Gerych
Hosted By
Rhonda G.
Exploring the Higher Dimensions with Stargate Meditation


EVENT - THIS IS A Zoom call at 6:15 Pacific Time on the third Thursday of each month, where you can have an amazing journey right from your own home!
Login info at end of the post - PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED no later than 4 pm the day of the event!
NOTE: It is recommended you arrive to the call NO LATER than 6:10 pm to settle in for the meditation.
The Zoom Room will close to admittance at 6:25 pm.
Exploring the Higher Dimensions with Stargate Meditation
An experiential evening with the Stargate!
You are invited to bring more joy and celebration into your life!
To Make a Donation to this Meditation please use one of the options below! Not required, gratefully accepted :) Suggested: $5-$20
-Paypal: (if sending via PayPal, please select the Friends and Family option!)
The Stargate is an interdimensional doorway – using a sacred geometrical structure that acts as a portal and anchor to higher dimensions. The Stargate emits powerful conscious energy, an energy that can move participants into a deep meditative space within moments.
The beauty of the Stargate process is there is nothing to do! Simply relaxing and noticing the sensations that the energetic environment creates in your body and your energy field. The most common experience after a Stargate evening is a feeling of joy, transformation, and a tangible raising of your own vibration.
The benevolent multi-dimensional energies that radiate from the Stargate touch most people at a very deep level, often creating change in their lives. Many people have reported experiencing:
~Healing and balance of their physical body
~Clarity of understanding and major insight into the mental body
~Deep relaxation and stress removal for the feeling (emotional) body
~Personal karma and unresolved issues being dissolved
~Healing abilities being activated
~Recalling past life experiences
~Spontaneous activation of inner vision and psychic abilities
~Awareness that they are not just this human part - they are their Superconsciousness experiencing through the body
~Greater flow and synchronicity manifesting in their lives
This sacred geometric structure creates a high vibrational energy field which allows most participants to feel the guides and beings from the higher dimensions that are invited to join us. Each person experiences the Stargate in their own unique way. As we are touched by the energy of these visitors, our vibration starts to resonate with theirs and incredible awakenings are possible.
The structure of the evening consists of short meditation experiences with background music, guided by Rhonda and Erin Gerych, Certified Stargate Facilitators.
For questions or registration, contact Rhonda at 775-224-5608
Rhonda the Radiant is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Joining with video is ideal! You can join by phone only if need be. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED!
Topic: Stargate
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Third Thursday of each month - 06:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) ***Important: DOORS CLOSE at 6:25pm***
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Photo of Earthe Energe Community Events group
Earthe Energe Community Events
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Every 3rd Thursday of the month

Online event
Link visible for attendees