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New Meetup: Farmers Night!

From: Brandon K.
Sent on: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 12:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for East Bay Board Gamers!

What: Farmers Night!

When: October 22,[masked]:30 PM

Brandon's Apt
6900G Lake Drive
Dublin, CA 94568


This will be the first of hopefully many extra game nights. The format of these meetups will be to choose two games, typically of a strategic nature, and then get just enough people to play the games! The focus will be to teach people new games. The name Farmers Night comes from the odd fact that almost all strategic games that I can think of seem to revolve around some form of farming. This week:

Puerto Rico (5 players)
Settlers of Catan (6 players)

This meetup requires a very firm commitment due to the low
number of available spaces. It will take place at my
apartment, which has a fridge, microwave, and stove, but no
food service! Feel free to bring something to heat up if you

I am lacking chairs and tables, though something could be
worked out with my current equipment. I ask that anyone who
has 1 extra card table and folding chairs to please bring
them. Be prepared to sit on the floor if no one brings

Location: Please see the map below for the location.
Parking is limited, tho any uncovered space in the complex is
open for the taking. [the map has directions from elephant
bar to my place, then a circle with a red 'X' where my front
door is. Ill be sure to leave a note outside my door]

I look forward to it!!! Please message me with any questions
you may have, slots are on a first come first served basis.

image link for location:

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