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Monday morning meditation on zoom

Photo of Violet
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Monday morning meditation on zoom


Join us for a Monday morning meditation on zoom as we listen to a guided meditation by Adyashanti, an American spiritual teacher.

Meditation creates a space for the body and mind to settle into.

Thoughts may still arise but as we settle into the stillness they often fade into the background leaving us feeling calmer and more energised to take on the day.

Please join in silence, ensuring that your microphone is muted. It would be appreciated if you could keep your camera on.

This is not a teaching session but there will be an opportunity at the end to share any thoughts or experiences that come up.

ConsciousCafe is about bringing people together to create deep and profound connections through conversation and learning. Our aim is raise consciousness one conversation at a time. This is an opportunity to meet with likeminded people, have conscious conversations, and share ideas – even, and especially, if the topics are completely new to you.

Check out the ConsciousCafe website which contains links to our forum, other UK events and details of our newsletter: ConsciousCafe ( )

Photo of ConsciousCafé East of Scotland group
ConsciousCafé East of Scotland
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