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Save the Date - May 20th - Ecom Hell: How to Make Money in Ecommerce Without Getting Burned

From: Chris T.
Sent on: Thursday, May 1, 2014, 3:50 PM

Hi everyone,

We're waiting to finalize the details for our May 20th Meetup but it will be at eBay in San Jose and it will be a presentation from Shirley Tan, author of "Ecom Hell: How to Make Money in Ecommerce Without Getting Burned". I am very excited to have her. While she's not an "eBay Guru" I think she'll bring a great ecommerce perspective to all of us. We will have food, some great giveaways, the always great networking amongst our members, and fun!

SIGNUP: While I haven't formally announced the Meetup yet since I'm waiting for Shirley to give me an overview of her presentation, I did just create the event so you can signup now if you like:

BIO: Shirley Tan is an ecommerce enthusiast who started as an early pioneer of internet retailing. She has boots-on-the-ground experience in establishing and building ecommerce businesses. She comes from a family of entrepreneurs and has personally been in the retail business for over 20 years, and specifically in ecommerce for more than 14 years. She started two businesses while in college and grew both of them into successful enterprises.

Now after having sold one of her businesses, to a NASDAQ traded corporation Shirley offers her expertise as a consultant to small and mid-sized ecommerce businesses. Her specialized emphasis on ecommerce business process improvement and marketing strategies makes her a frequent invited speaker to retail conferences.

As always, I encourage you to sign up early if you're interested to avoid the possibility of a waiting list.



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