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New Meetup: Smutty Nose Brewing Company presents the Portsmouth Criterium

From: Cyndi
Sent on: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 12:43 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater Boston Cycling/Outdoor Fitness Group!

What: Smutty Nose Brewing Company presents the Portsmouth Criterium

When: Sunday, September 19,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Popovers on the Square
8 Congress Street Market Square,
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Come and Watch Downtown Portsmouth NH transformed into a high-speed race course for world class cyclists!!!

Hello Everyone come and watch this Elite pro cycling event on the Streets of downtown Portsmouth NH.. It is always an unforgettable event..

There are races for children in the morning, a Pancake breakfast at 9am, and the Pro Racing begins at Noon time... I am going to put the Link for the Portsmouth Criterium Website right here... They are still looking for volunteers. I am actually a volunteer and will be working at the VIP tent right next to the Outdoor Cafe at Popovers, which happens to be the best and most comfortable spot to watch the races... I will try to save spots for any of you who decide to come.. You may notice on the Crit website they are giving the option of starting a Criterium team for the purpose of fund raising for your favotite charity so that is always an option..

In addition, from 11am- 5pm Market Street is closed down with the Life Style Expo so during breaks in the race you can walk around and check out vendors that sell products for Healthy Life Styles..

The Streets will be shut down at the best place to park is the Hanover Street parking garage.. Same place our group has met for a few bike rides... Here is the schedule and I can assure you it is a great time... For those attending the best place to meet is Popovers on Market Square.. and to insure a seat I would recommend getting there by Noon time if not sooner!!!

By the Way if you can't spend the day (which I highly recommend you do) the race to see is the one at 3:45 these guys are "The Best of the Best"

Event Schedule

7:00 am Street closures start/Course set-up begins

8:30-10:30 am Kid's Race Registration opens
Bank of America Parking Lot

9:00-11:00 am Smuttynose Pancake Breakfast
Market Street

10:30 am Race Registration opens
Bank of America Parking Lot

11:00 am
Kids Races begin
Congress St. & Maplewood Ave.

11:00 am LifeStyle Expo opens
Market Street

12:00 pm Men's Cat 4 Race begins
Market Square

1:00 pm Men's Cat 3 Race begins
Market Square

2:00 pm Community Challenge Race begins
Market Square

2:45 pm Women's Pro/1/2/3 Race begins
Market Square

3:45 pm Men's Pro/1/2 Race begins
Market Square

I hope to see many of you there...It's a great experience especially if you have never been to a Pro-Race!!

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