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A request from one of our Italian Members....

From: Rob F.
Sent on: Sunday, August 5, 2012, 11:47 AM
Hi Group,

Raffaella, a member or our group, is vacationing here again in Boston during the month of August....
You can find her listed in the member list....she sent me the following request....

Ciao Rob,
it's Raffaella the nice Italian lady who wrote to you in winter. Do you remember me?
I am coming to Boston. I am leaving Wednesday. I thank you so much for sending an email to all members saying to join me cycling! I was so happy.
Two people answered me but one got injured and another one has serious committments at the moment. We emailed each other they are nice people but I think they cannot make it.
I have a question: Can you please resend an email for me saying that there is a nice Italian lady, Raffaella, on vacation in Boston in August who are looking for someone to go cycling with even during the weekedays!? She lives to the North of Boston not very far from downtown
It's important for me! Hope someone else see the message and will contact me
Thanks Rob! I count on you! You have been so kind and helpful!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Kisses from Rome

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