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FYI....forwarded message I received

From: Rob F.
Sent on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 3:03 PM
Folks on the Meet up list might be interested -- I came across this when looking for where to vote on tuesday:

Boston Seeks New Members For Its Bicyclist Advisory Board

10/30/2008 - Released by Mayor's Office
For more information contact Nicole Freedman

The City of Boston is currently soliciting members of the bicycling community to join the Boston Bicyclist Advisory Board and help make Boston a world-class bicycling city. The Board provides advice on bicycling-related issues to the Director of Bicycling Programs and other City staff. Board members are expected to attend monthly meetings and participate in substantial work projects.

Ideal board members bring the widest variety of perspectives on bicycling and its potential to improve urban life in Boston together in a constructive and cooperative manner. Interested bicyclists who live, work, or do business in Boston are encouraged to apply. Connections to other relevant community groups and institutions are considered a strong plus.

Application for board memberships consists of a short letter describing the potential member's interest in joining the board, along with his or her relevant experience, affiliations, and contact information. Applications should be sent by electronic mail (strongly preferred) or postal mail to:

Nicole Freedman Director, Boston Bikes One City Hall Square, Rm 932 Boston, MA 02201 (617)[masked] [address removed]

The deadline for the receipt of applications is November 7, 2008.

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