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We are proud to have a new Sponsor!

From: Rob F.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 11:57 AM
Dear Greater Boston Bicycle Members,
I'm excited to introduce to you our new sponsor! Fit Werx, Road and Triathlon Cycling Specialists with locations in Peabody , MA and Waitsfield , VT.
Why did we choose Fit Werx?  Check out what they offer:
As a perk to members, they are offering $25 off bike fittings and 10% off service.  Please make sure you tell them you are part of the Greater Boston Bike Meetup
Also, you will also receive their monthly newsletter via e-mail with tons of useful information about things such as getting the proper bike fit when purchasing a new bike or Bike Maintenance Basics.  They vow to offer members the absolute best in customer service and product knowledge.  They were just named one of the Top 50 shops in the country!
Check out their latest article which gives Insider Hints to Help Make Longer Distance Rides Easier and More Fun!. 
Please visit one of their stores and let me know what you think!
Happy Cycling!
Rob Fox, Founder and Organizer

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