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What we’re about

Using blockchain technology to improve education around the world, together..

The edChain: Blockchain & Education meetup aims to cultivate a community that helps educate individuals on blockchain technology and its applications and to build a community which utilizes blockchain technology to better education worldwide.  To help achieve this, edChain --(, the blockchain for education will be emphasized.  As an open-source project, members will grow and build edChain together to standardize, universalize and make education most efficient.   In addition to participating in this meetup, we encourage everyone to join our telegram community!

So that meetup members can learn more about blockchain, we will hold regular workshops and events featuring guest speakers from all industries using the technology.  Content will be both theoretical and technical.  If you joined this meetup for its initial FinTech focus we will still include some FinTech content!  If you are an educator, executive, developer and/or business member seeking to utilize educational content to build its brand this group is for you too -- we welcome anyone who is curious.

For developer members that want to get more deeply involved, we will be holding regular open-source events led by edChain's lead architect.  Together, we'll build the tool to revolutionize education.

Want to engage and learn right away?  Join our telegram channel!

Want to speak, partner or collaborate on an event?  Message Emily (aka "edChain Emily") the organizer

About edChain:  edChain ( puts educational content on the blockchain in order to create a standardized, universal, efficient educational system.  It provides access to the top, most relevant, educational content through community quality control.  Via encryption full attribution and monetization flows directly to the content provider which serves as an incentive to create high quality learning material.  For more information please see