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What we’re about

This group is for anyone and everyone who loves walking no matter what their ability. However, we want it to hopefully be more than just a walking group and take it one step beyond by incorporating more of the social aspect too by throwing in some other activities and events which will be combined with our walks or are completely separate events in their own right. After all, as they say, variety is the spice of life and your never too old to learn something new :-). So come join us, would love to see you and hopefully, some of the braver amongst you will also come live life on the edge with us and walk some of our more how can we put it LOL unchartered routes along the way LOL!!!!.
This is a non-profit making group and it will remain that way for as long as we run the group.
However, there is a Membership joining fee of £2. - It is a ONE OFF joining fee you DO NOT pay anything for attending walks etc.
We am hoping that we can get enough members to join up that the joining fees from members will pay for the meetup charges to run the group on the site for the foreseeable future, and therefore hope that this will be a one off fee.
However, in the event of a shortfall, we may do a whip round of members NOT more than once a year for a £1 contribution to go towards the meetup charges to help keep the group going.
All finances and income of the group will be transparent and any member is welcome to ask to see the financial affairs of the group at any given time, this group belongs to us all and therefore we all share the same rights within the group.\

Our role as organisers is purely to administer and facilitate the running of the group.
Currently, there are 7 organisers in the group. However, we would love it if anyone else fancies coming on board and organise some events of their own. All we would ask is that you make these events FREE. Any charges must purely be from a third party ie like a venue charge, or charge for a show etc, or entry fee. No one is allowed to make any money from hosting an event in this group.
The other commitment we would ask is that you host a minimum of 1 event every 3 months.
Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to chat about becoming an organiser. We would love to have you on board.