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Learning Science for Software Developers and Interactive Designers

Photo of Christopher David Kaufman
Hosted By
Christopher David K.
Learning Science for Software Developers and Interactive Designers


Learning Science for Software and Interactive Developers.
We are going to cover the essentials in learning and development science and theory.

After this seminar you will be able to work with SME's (subject matter experts) around developing applications, games, and web sites that use the latest research in developing engagement, retention, and transfer of knowledge and skills. You will gain an understanding of the basic theories around developing content to increase retention and transfer of new knowledge and skills backs by decades of science.

Big Concepts: ( And what it means to software designers and interactive developers)
ADDIE, SAM, Backward Design, (Backward Triple Spiral)
Gagne’s Nine Events
Dick and Carey Model
Kemp’s Instructional Design
Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels
Narrative Transportation Theory
Kolb Design
Mezirow: Understanding levels
Webb: Recall/Reproduce, Apply/Basic reasoning…
Reigeluth Model
Gradual Release

As well as how to balance the core concepts of Direct Instruction:Teacher Focus with the Constructionist: Learner Focused approaches.

Immersive Interactive Theories and Best Practices:
| Seductive Details - Quirky objects & animations
| Embodied Cognition - Non-Congruent Gesture
| Disfluency - Harder to read text curved, embedded,
| Self-explanation principle - Self-Talks aloud to explain actions
| Yerkes-Dodson Law - Simulate 'explosion' arousal/stress
| Frame of Reference - Rate the Trainer first, then do
| Irreverent Speech - Background A/V
| Split Attention Effects - Variable Media Streams of Instruction
| Homuncular Flexibility - Different POV's inc. NPC's
| Proprioceptive - Zeroing in on corrective movement
| Feed Forwards - Give a clue future logic
| Retrieval Practice - Quizzing
| Spacing - Time delayed recall
| Interleaving - Cross Content learning
| Ego-Depletion - difficult pre-process
| Survival Processing - Advantage A/V fear survival hyper-focus

We will finish with Super Learning Strategies and best practices for short-term to long-term memory: (Time Permitting)
Spaced Re-Reading, Re-Connecting, Highlight, Underline
Restudy all, not some
Practice Re-Test
Distributed Practice
Chunking / Categorization
Frameworks: Models, Paired Associations, Mnemonics, Loci, Pegword, Imaging
Summarize, Retrieval, Elaborative Interrogation
Schema - Structure Building
Synesthia - Yellow, crackly voice
SQ4R: Scan, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review
Rack-Focus: write down creat a big picture then write down a closeup picture and connect the dots
Inter-Editorial: How can this related to my interests, write why do I need to know this
Cross Breed: Create a new hybrid topic from one of your own interests to one or two new subjects
Self-pace: Autonomy to the rescue
MetaCognitive: Judgement of Learning, Skill - Check, study allocation, High-Low Confidence vs Answer-Score consequence
Contextual Encode - Retrieval reversal

If you plan, dream or are building interactive experiences and want to understand how to increase user motivation, increase user knowledge retention, and help your team, your client, and yourself learn faster and better, join this event NOW! :-)

Online Link will be posted 48Hours prior to event.

See you there.

Dr. CD Kaufman

Photo of EdTech SoCal Meetup: Advanced Learning group
EdTech SoCal Meetup: Advanced Learning
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