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Re: [electronicmusic-164] Thanks for a great meetup on Friday

From: Matt F.
Sent on: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 9:41 PM
Hey everybody,

sorry I could not make it on Friday night. Still trying to find my feet in this big city - job and house hunting is keeping me occupied at the moment but I will let you know when I come up for air. Looking forward to the net meet up.


On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Ben Godfrey <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey everybody,

I wanted to say a big thanks to everybody who made it along on Friday.

There were 10 of us in total and I hope a great time was had by all. I certainly enjoyed it. It was exactly what I hoped London EMM would be when I started organising it: lots of interesting people, some great discussions and above all lots of motivation to go out and enjoy electronic music.

The laptop take-over element didn't work out as the Foundry's performance license is very inflexible. I spent a long time talking to the landlord Jonathan about this. Sadly there is little to be done in the short-term. In future we should find another venue for jamming. I think it would make sense to have jam sessions separately from socials. Socials are really open and friendly. Jam sessions could be a bit exclusive for people who aren't in to the music creation side of things. I'd love to hear everybody's thoughts on this.

For the next event we will be back the 2nd Friday of the month. This means July 11, only 3 weeks away. I have left the venue open for the moment, let's see what comes up.


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