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El Rincón Announcement - Pamela is moving to L.A.

From: Pamela Shepard G.
Sent on: Friday, February 6, 2009, 1:19 AM
Tengo que anunciar, con dolor en el alma, que me voy de Nueva York para acompa?ar a mi mam? en Los Angeles por una temporada. Mi pap? muri? la semana pasada en Los Angeles - he estado aqu? desde la semana pasada, compartiendo este tiempo triste con mi familia y ayudando a mi mam? arreglar los quehaceres. Regresar? a Nueva York a mediados de febrero y estar? all? para vernos el 22 de febrero en el Rinc?n, pero ser? el ?ltimo para mi.

Notif?came si le interesa asumir el papel de anfitri?n cada mes para desarrollar la discusi?n sobre el autor y la obra. Me encantar?a seguir ayudando con las investigaciones sobre el autor y la obra cada mes, si les parece, desde Los Angeles. Espero mantenerme en contacto con ustedes que he conocido en los ?ltimos meses, y, ?claro est?, me hace falta seguir leyendo autores en espa?ol!

?D?jenme saber sus opiniones sobre c?mo mantener en marcha al Rinc?n Literario!

Pamela Carre?n
[address removed]


Sadly I announce that I am leaving New York to stay with my mom in Los Angeles for a while. My father died last week in L.A. - I've been here for the past week and a half, grieving with my family, and helping my mom put things in order. I'll be back in New York mid-February and will host our 2/22 Rinc?n, but it will be my last.

At this time I'd like to invite any of you who are interested in hosting the in-person round tables and facilitate discussion in Spanish to contact me about what it would entail to take on that responsibility. I would very much be willing to remain involved for book and author research, if you all think it is appropriate to do so from Los Angeles. I hope to stay in touch with those I've gotten to know over the past few months, and I certainly need to keep reading authors in Spanish!

Let me know your thoughts about how we can keep El Rinc?n Literario going!


Pamela Carre?n
[address removed]

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