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What we’re about

Első Szalon is a »nomadic« discourse forum founded in 2023, primarily on themes of art and aesthetics, but also on philosophy and politics.

As the name suggests, it takes place regularly on the first of every month at ever-changing locations. The aim is a contemporary exchange between artists, curators, theorists, art students, art historians, philosophers, and collectors.

However, the name Első Szalon also refers to the attempt to reinvent the »classic« salon idea, which was aimed more strongly at a fixed location and a narrower, often non-public, predetermined group of people.

In contrast, Első Szalon rather seeks regular discursive and spatial exchange with other institutions and places by organising panel discussions and exhibition talks in galleries, museums, universities, locations of architectural or historical importance, and so on. It thus combines two essential modernist strategies into a new contemporary approach: the non-institutional discourse culture of the salon and the unlocatable, ever-wandering and wondering, »nowhere« flaneur.

The meetings and discussions of the salon are always carefully curated and usually involve one or more guests who reveal a special approach to the respective topic and co-moderate the evening with the curators.