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What we’re about

  • Are you struggling to survive as an Empath and High Sensitive person in a corporate environment?
  • Do you feel you don't fit in at the workplace, no matter how hard you try?
  • Do co-workers and bosses always take advantage of your kind nature as they know you will help them and won't say no? Do you feel often unappreciated, undervalued at work and lack in motivation and energy?

You are not alone! Good news is there is nothing wrong with you as most likely you are an empath and highly sensitive person. By awareness, practise and building knowledge you can use your sensitivity muscle strength and use it as your top skill.

Welcome to the Glasgow Group of likeminded Empath Employees. I am Tineke Zoet and the group initiative taker, empath myself and workplace coach. We network in small groups and online or 1:1 with a coffee once a month. Come along, or send me message. Step out of the shadows and into your power at the workplace and redirect your career into the right direction without feeling tired and deflated all the time, but where you feel happy and energised by what you do.

See you soon!

Upcoming events (4+)

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