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The American Capitalist Party Founded

From: Nigel R.
Sent on: Monday, 18 January 2016, 7:27 am

Finally, at long last the formation of an American political party fully devoted to the protection of individual rights; a political party explicitly recognizing that man's mind is his instrument of survival, that the mind must be free, and that the inalienable right of all honest persons to think, speak, and create as they will must be consistently upheld by the legal system of a free society. I wrote the platform and policy positions of the American Capitalist Party--and I could not be more proud of my involvement. My thinking is this: As individualists, we must join the political debate and use this forum as a means to educate voters about the life-giving virtues of reason and individual rights. The primary benefit is, in time, we can and will reach many voters with our rights-upholding message. The secondary (but still substantial) benefit is that right now we can win at some local levels--and how great it would be to have knowledgeable supporters of reason and individual rights in the House of Representatives. Read the platform and policy statement of the American Capitalist Party and, if you agree, please share this post. Our message must go viral. Thank you.

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