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March 08 D3SJ meeting

From: geoffrey
Sent on: Thursday, 6 March 2008, 12:15 am
Dear Folks,
    I'm changing the name of the "Brisrats" or Brisbane rationalists meetings to "D3SJ": Doctors & Scientists for Sustainability & Social Justice. The full name is a mouthful but it clearly states who we are (however one need not be a doctor or scientist to participate) and what we stand for. 
    "D3SJ" is a simple abbreviation.
    I'm following Dr. Ralph Cobcroft's suggestions about structuring more time discipline for the meetings: there will be 45 minutes for the presentation followed by 30 minutes discussion after which the meeting will be closed. Enthusiastic participants will then be encouraged to continue their discussions over dinner at another venue
D3SJ: Doctors & Scientists for Sustainability & Social Justice

March 2008 meeting: Walking the walk: practical experiences in sustainable living

    Mr. Michel Stasse retrained from Professional Photography to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient home design at the Brisbane TAFE from 1995 to 1999. He is an accredited Building Energy Rating Scheme (BERS) certifier. He built an award winning (2007 Glossies) 5 star energy efficient house in Noosa Shire with compost toilet, photovoltaic electricity, solar water heating, and greywater recycling. His family is 100% water self sufficient.

    Michel also holds a Permaculture Design Certificate and is attempting to become as self sufficient in food as possible.

Date & time: Wednesday 12 March 2008

5.30pm- biscuits, coffee/tea

6.00pm- presentation commences

Venue: Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, 134 Whitmore St (Swann Rd end), Taringa. Go to reception (off upper car park) & signs will direct from there.

Parking is available on site (upper car park- anywhere there is a space or lower car parks in the non reserved spaces).There's also plenty of close on street parking (with no meters/time limit) at that time of day.

Who should attend: Any intelligent person interested in the common good.

Cost: FREE!

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