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RE: [atheists-501] Fw: Submissions for the Australia 2020 Summit

From: Stephen P.
Sent on: Monday, 17 March 2008, 11:46 am

I think the separation of church and state' needs the addition of 'No
support or Favour' in its explanation. Then it would mean no financial
support for things like Gov funded relationship services, employment
services and other social welfare services.  How can an Anglican or Catholic
run Relationship centre be impartial when you consider their dogma?

This would also stop the abuse of the current 'Tax Free' status of many
Catholic enterprises (were they take advantage of disabled people) and
companies like Saniitarium Foods.

I think this should be taken as far as Religious Schools (as they are
providing a secular service) being required to provide a secular education
with no religious indoctrination irrespective of gov funding. It goes with
out saying that in addition this these schools should not be able to
discriminate against staff or pupils on the basis of religious affiliation
or lack there of.

Maybe a bill of rights could be part of the solution.



-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed]
[mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Martin Rady
Sent: Monday, 17 March[masked]:38 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [atheists-501] Fw: Submissions for the Australia 2020 Summit

if you would like to put something on behalf of the Brisbane Atheists
meetup group pls do so and post it to the Message Board so others can
review and add to it...we can sibmit something once we get some feedback
from those interested....thanks­

Thanks & Regards,
Martin Rady,

----- Forwarded by Martin Rady/Australia/IBM on 17/03/[masked]:36 AM -----
             Foundation of                                                 
             Australia [info]"                                          To 
             <info@atheistfoun­         Undisclosed-Recipien­t:;             
   >                                             cc 
             17/03/[masked]:32                                      Subject 
             AM                        Submissions for the Australia 2020  

Hi All,

Atheists often bemoan the fact that they do not have enough say in running
the country.  Here is one of those rare instances where your voice can be
heard at the highest levels of government.
The Federal Government is asking for submissions regarding the future
direction of Australia.  It wishes to establish what the priorities of its
citizens are.    The question in need of addressing is the following from a
range of 10.

The future of Australian governance: renewed democracy, a more open
government (including the role of the media), the structure of the
Federation and the rights and responsibilities of citizens
The Australia 2020 Summit will examine:
      a.       How best to implement an effective an agenda of open
      government which best balances the legitimate requirements of the
      media and the confidentiality requirements of cabinet government in
      the Westminster system
      b.       How best to engaged the community in government decision
      c.       What forms of Federation reform are appropriate for the
      future to maximise outcomes for the economy and the community
How to ensure the future viability of local government operations and
infrastructure provision.


So far, the AFA and the Queensland Humanists have responded in like manner
with more groups expected. Our submissions focuses on, 'The future of
Australian governance: renewed democracy, a more open government' and
'engaging the community' (All the community) in non-biased government
decision making. (Part b.)

The AFA submission is attached to this email.  You are free to use any
ideas contained therein if you decide to make a submission on your own

Submissions can be forwarded online at:
https://www.austra...­ no later than
5.00pm Wednesday 9 April 2008.
Maximum 500 words.

Good luck,

 (See attached file: 1891c-submissionfede­ralgovernment.doc)

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