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Farewell friends!

From: Jessica
Sent on: Monday, 3 September 2012, 2:52 pm

Hi everyone,

I'd like to start by thanking each and every one of you for joining Girl Geek Dinners Melbourne. Over the past 3 years I've felt an immense sense of pride helping to grow our group and challenge our minds with panel discussions, leadership talks, innovation discussions, workshops and lots of great "girl talk".

We now have over 300 members and are growing stronger each and every month. I couldn't be more proud and honored to have been a part of a group of dynamic, intelligent and super geeky women.

But like all good things this is my time to bow out. For few years I've been growing anxious to have more time for personal projects. I've had lots of great opportunities in Melbourne, but it's time for me to head back to North America and try to launch my own startup.

I'll be leaving at the end of October, and I hope to be able to attend our CSS workshop. Tammy suggested that we organise a farewell party and I think that's a great idea so I'll be posting something very soon.

As many of you already know, Tammy Butow has stepped in as an event organiser and will be leading our group into a very bright future. Tammy is an exceptional individual and I can't think of a better person to lead Girl Geek Dinners Melbourne. But she can't do it alone. We need volunteers to step up and participate each month. This doesn't mean you have to attend each and every event, but it means that you are available to Tammy when she needs an extra pair of hands.

Current action items include:

  • managing our WP blog (currently in desperate need of TLC)
  • producing social media content (Twitter, Facebook)
  • helping plan and organise events
  • setup GGDmelb as an official not-for-profit organisation

If you are interested to participate as a volunteer please get in touch with Tammy or myself ASAP.

Thanks again for the past 3 years everyone.

Much love and respect,

Jess :-)

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