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Re: [webdesign-429] Graphic Designer Needed

From: Hans S.
Sent on: Monday, 14 September 2015, 12:59 pm
Hi Doug

If you want to give me a call i would be delighted to assist you with this one.

My business currently does 2- 3 quarterly magazines for clients. everything from Design, to print and even distribution.


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 12:25 PM, doug <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey, I have a project which requires a short term graphic designer.
We have a magazine which we produce and need some help with this months issue.

Ultimately we need someone who is:
Brisbane Based
Has experience with magazines (would be nice)
Strong communication and InDesign skills

This person can work from home, but would be required to come to our valley office to catchup for meetings.
Contract would start in October.

So if you know anyone who would be able to help out it would be much appreciated as we are in a bit of a bind.
Work could also lead to further graphic design projects.


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Hans Swartz

Client Solutions Executive

M: [masked]

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PO Box 2014 | Level 1 | Springwood Towers | 9 Murrajong Rd | Springwood | QLD 4127   


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