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We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

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Ralph Shaw Next Week

From: Keith O.
Sent on: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 7:34 pm

Hi everybody

Just a reminder to get your names in for your preferred Ralph Shaw events next week.  He is a great entertainer and teacher and his performances and workshops were a big hit at the Melbourne Ukulele Festival and we want to make sure that Canberra is a "must do" stop for the top players.

We start with a concert on the Thursday night (22nd) at 7.30 pm at the Artist's Shed in Queanbeyan.  On the Friday (23rd) there are two workshops at St James - syncopated strumming (a la George Formby) at 2.30 and melody licks for strummers at 4.30.  On Saturday, at the Italo-Australian Club we have a session on performance technique at 11.00 am - and a strumming workshop (highly recommended for all post-beginners / intermediate players) at 2pm.  

A number of us more hardened addicts are booked in for them all but - if your ukulele mania has not yet got to that point - getting to one or two of these events will be a very good investment in future enjoyment of the uke.

To RSVP just click on 'our calendar' and select the event or events you want. 

After the Saturday afternoon workshop, one of our members has generously offered his house for an after-party - it's been a while since we have had one - more details soon.

See you there!




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